Sarah Palin's Alaska: Willow's BF Hears Call of the Wild

As the sexy aura of losing the vice presidency fades, after you dump your governor job and your own daughter is anointed a "star" on a dance show simply by virtue of awkward footing, how do you stay in the public's ever-wandering eye?


As the sexy aura of losing the vice presidency fades, after you dump your governor job and your own daughter is anointed a "star" on a dance show simply by virtue of awkward footing, how do you stay in the public's ever-wandering eye?

Welcome to Sarah Palin's Alaska, a state brimming with natural wonders, including hot daughter Willow and her cut-off jeans. Keeping grizzlies out of your garbage is one thing, but keeping excited BF Andy away from the teen Palin's bedroom is another, gosh darn it.

And while Andy may agree with Sarah's "drill here, drill now" stance, it may not be offshore oil he's after.

"See this gate? It's not just for Trig, it's for no boys go up there."

Really? Considering her success with keeping the boys away from unwed mommy Bristol, you'd think Sarah would have learned it's going to take a little more than a baby gate to deter the wild Alaskan horndog.

REALTED: Bristol's dishing on Dancing, dating and "misguided" Levi