Ryan Reynolds and the "A-Team" Hit Sesame Street

You can't spell A-Team without the letter A. You also can't spell the word awesome without it.


You can't spell A-Team without the letter A. You also can't spell the word awesome without it.

Those are just two of the things we learned from watching Ryan Reynolds and his "A-Team" of Sesame Street monsters give us the lowdown on the alphabet's first letter.

The beloved kids show has been on a role lately, superbly teaming its educational value with incentives for adults to tune in...even those without little ones learning their ABCs.

They've already clung to Jude Law, spoofed the Old Spice Guy and given us an extra dirty True Blood sampling. Sure the Katy Perry segment didn't go over great, but three out of four isn't bad.

Check out Ryan's video and tell us what you think. Who else should take a walk down this Street?

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