Here's The Situation: You can soon dress like him

For those hoping to more closely resemble “Jersey Shore” cast member The Situation, you don’t need to resort to tanning or slaving away at the gym.  Soon, you can buy his clothes.


For those hoping to more closely resemble “Jersey Shore” cast member Mike Sorrentino, aka “The Situation,” you don’t need to resort to tanning or slaving away at the gym. He’s designed his own clothing line for Dilligaf by Bohica Bill, and the launch of that line is drawing near.

On The Situation’s Facebook page is a new photo of his friend Jonny Manfre (aka “The Unit”) modeling one of the tank tops from the line Sitch helped to design. (If you’re wondering, “Dilligaf” stands for “Does it look like I give a f---?”) The entire line will be available online at in September, and reps for the label are in talks with national distributors as well.

Meanwhile, back in Miami, where the second season of “Jersey Shore” is filmed, there are reports that it took an hour and 15 minutes for The Situation to achieve his signature buzz cut.

“He had to go to the mirror three times to make sure everything was perfect,” barber Dennis Esposito of Miami’s Hall of Fame barbershop told Life & Style’s Scene Queens. As for cast member Pauly D, “He uses half a jar of hair gel each time he visits,” said Esposito.

It wasn’t just the “Jersey Shore” boys who were concerned about their hair, but the barber was nervous as well. “You get the jitters because God forbid your palm gets a little sweaty and you slip up. Then you’ve got to shave the kid’s head. There goes his whole persona,” Esposito told the mag.

Emma Watson for ‘Girl With the Dragon Tattoo’?After a decade of playing Hermione Granger in the “Harry Potter” series of films and maintaining virtually the same haircut for all those years, Emma Watson decided to get a drastically new look. After getting a pixie cut, she wrote on her website, “Cut my hair off a few days ago ... Feels incredible. I love it. I've wanted to do this for years and years; it's the most liberating thing ever. Hope you like.”

But some are speculating the real motive was to look more like the fictitious character Lisbeth Salander from Stieg Larsson's novel “Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” in hopes of landing the role of Salander in the American film adaptation.

Sorry, Watson fans. According to her agent Esther Chang, rumors that the actress is going for a role in the David Fincher-directed flick are “completely untrue.”

Advice from ‘Plain Jane’ When it comes to the clothing that British fashion expert Louise Roe wears on her CW show "Plain Jane," she's not about flaunting name brands.

"Half the clothes I wear on the show are from H&M and Forever 21," Roe said. And when she was in New York for the opening of SoHo's Top Shop location, she popped into the local warehouse-style boutiques. "I found two jumpsuits for $14, which I've worn on the show," she said.

Roe believes you don't even have to go shopping to give yourself a new look — you just need to look at your own closet. By splitting up your winter and summer clothing and color-coordinating your closet, you'll find "new" clothes stuck in the back that you didn't remember you bought.

"We only wear 20 percent of our wardrobe," she said. "Look at things with a fresh eye, and don't be afraid to take things to the tailor to get them shortened and fixed," she said.

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