Shocking deaths are on the way for 'True Blood'

"True Blood's" hottest new addition, Joe Manganiello, just told us some very alarming news about upcoming deaths that you will abbbs-olutely want to know ...


When a man has abs like these (as evidenced in the August issue of Muscle and Body Magazine), it can be hard to pay attention to the words coming out of his mouth.

But yo, pay attention!

'Cause "True Blood's" hottest new addition, Joe Manganiello (seriously, is that body even human?!), just told us some very alarming news about upcoming deaths that you will abbbs-olutely (sorry, lost my train of thought there) want to know...

There will be blood...on "True Blood."

OK, not exactly a jaw-dropping shocker, right? Well, what if we told you this is "important" plasma being spilled?

We first spoke with director Scott Winant, who said of the current season: "The fewest actors die. I killed my share, but compared to season two, not as many."

But according to "True Blood's" new werewolf Joe Manganiello, it's the quality of the deaths, not the quantity. Translation: There are some biggies up ahead!

"Maybe the least amount, but definitely important ones," teased Joe. "There are some scripts that I read where I was shocked and went, 'No way!'"