Final ‘Twilight’ films will get hot and steamy

Melissa Rosenberg, the screenwriter for the upcoming “Breaking Dawn” films, has put Twi-hard worries at rest — all the appropriate scenes will be steamy.


Melissa Rosenberg, the screenwriter for the upcoming “Breaking Dawn” films, has put Twi-hard worries at rest — all the appropriate scenes will be steamy.

“There will be sex scenes — multiple sex scenes,” Rosenberg told Access Hollywood of the upcoming romance between Bella (Kristen Stewart) and her love, vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), as she hit the red carpet on Thursday night for “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” premiere.

“There will be feathers,” she added of Bella and Edward’s between-the-sheets moments, which involves the vamp biting a pillow.

Rosenberg said she is also putting in another scene devoted Twi-hards will be eager to see.

(SPOILER ALERT for those who haven’t read the book!)

“There will be a childbirth scene,” she added.

Previously, Stewart told Access she was curious about what the baby between Bella and Edward would look like and when asked if the little one would have baby Dracula teeth, Rosenberg suggested it was possible.

“I suggest she may,” Rosenberg smiled.

Rosenberg said she was hard at work on the script, and noted how far along she is.

“I am in the middle of ‘Breaking Dawn,’ ” she said. “I was doing ‘Breaking Dawn’ this morning and I will do ‘Breaking Dawn’ tomorrow morning. It’s right deep in the middle.”