Nine hours later, Lindsay is blonde again

Just one day after a judge ordered the actress, 23, wear an alcohol-monitoring bracelet and undergo random drug testing — she stepped out in West Hollywood with bright blonde locks.


Lindsay Lohan must be celebrating her court-ordered sobriety with a new hairdo.

On Tuesday — just one day after a judge ordered the actress, 23, wear an alcohol-monitoring bracelet and undergo random drug testing — she stepped out in West Hollywood with bright blonde locks.

PHOTOS: Lindsay's wild week in Cannes

Lohan spent nine hours undergoing the transformation from auburn brunette at the Andy Lecompte salon.

She is next due in court July 6 for a hearing to determine whether she violated the terms of her probation by skipping alcohol education classes, which she was sentenced to after her second DUI conviction in 2007.

PHOTOS: How Lindsay's face has changed

If a judge rules that she did, she could face 180 days in jail.

Lohan returned to Los Angeles Saturday night after spending the past week partying in Cannes while promoting her flick "Inferno," in which she'll play Linda "Deep Throat" Lovelace. She blamed her father, Michael, for having "someone" steal her passport, stranding her in the South of France and causing her to miss a May 20 status hearing.

PHOTOS: Lindsay: Where did it all go wrong?

A warrant was issued for her arrest, but rescinded after she posted $10,000 of her $100,000 bail.