Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Read the transcript to the Wednesday show


Guests: R.T. Rybak, Tarryl Clark, Phil Smith, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Todd

Webster, Heidi Harris, Matt Snyder, Jon Soltz.

HOST:  Good evening, Americans.  Welcome to “The Ed

Show” tonight from New York.  These stories are hitting my hot buttons

tonight. Minnesota became ground zero for “Psycho Talk” today when Sarah

Palin came to campaign for Michele Bachmann.  Don‘t they make a pair?  I‘ll

talk to the mayor of Minneapolis and the Democrat running against Michele

Bachmann in just a moment.

This just in.  Virginia‘s Republican governor reverses course on

Confederate History Month.  He says he‘s sorry he forgot about slavery. 

The Reverend Jesse Jackson will join me at the half hour for his reaction.

And the horrific tragedy at West Virginia mines may have been

preventable.  The mining company is known for union busting and had

thousands of safety violations.  I have got a commentary on this one

tonight.  That story has me fired up.  When are we just going to admit that

what has happened in West Virginia has everything to do with the attack on

labor in this country?  We‘ll get to that a little bit later on in the


This story has got me fired up as well.  You know, it must be spring. 

This is when the loons fly back to Minnesota this time of year.  Sarah

Palin landed in the Twin Cities this afternoon to support fellow psycho

talker Michele Bachmann.  Let‘s get the record straight.  No two people

have done more to distort the truth about the president of the United

States with flat-out lies and also distort the truth about health care

reform in this country.  Bachmann gave us this prediction.


REP. MICHELE BACHMANN ®, MINNESOTA:  The new normal will be when

Speaker Pelosi loses her gavel.  And the new normal is when Harry Reid

joins the unemployment line.  And two years from now, President Obama will

be a one-term president. 


SCHULTZ:  All right.  So predictable.  After that she went on to tell

a long World War II story and told the audience just to keep fighting. 

Then came the main event.  Sarah Palin came back to the state that really

made her famous during the 2008 Republican National Convention. 



writing Obama-care, that bill in secret behind closed doors striking some

sweetheart deals, Representative Michele Bachmann, she opened the doors to

the people‘s house.  She shed light on what is in that bill.  And folks,

every day as you discover more and more about what is in this bill, the

more ticked off you‘re going to be and the more support for Michele you‘re

going to feel.


SCHULTZ:  Yeah.  I live in Minnesota.  At least we try to when we‘re

not working in New York.  And I can tell you, the people in Minnesota,

they‘re just really ticked off about getting rid of discrimination.  Like

the pre-existing condition.  I mean, these are psycho sisters, are they

not?  The Minnesota GOP handed out 10,000 free tickets to the rally. 

Tickets to the private afternoon fund-raiser only cost $500.  Middle-class

Americans just flocked to that, didn‘t they?  Minnesotans also had the

opportunity to just shell out ten grand for a picture with the twisted

sisters?  Palin and Bachmann.  You see, folks, they are the conservative

think tank right now.  That‘s their idea of moving the country forward. 

They spew out all this nonsense and hate and lies and, of course, the Tea

Partyers, they just eat it up.  Former Bush speechwriter David Frum is

right on the money.  FOX News and conservative talk radio run, organize,

program, direct the Republican Party in this country.  Just listen to what

Bachmann said today. 


BACHMANN:  As Sean Hannity says, let not your heart be troubled. 


SCHULTZ:  She couldn‘t wait 30 seconds to get the words “Sean Hannity”

out of her mouth.  It‘s almost like worship, isn‘t it? The good news is,

neither Palin nor Bachmann talked about death panels or indoctrination

today, they spent most the time talking about freedom and liberty, just

like Sean does.  But just say no, you know, no one is ever going to forget

how they have handled up a of this.  And of course, the DNC isn‘t going to

let anybody forget because they sent out their greatest hits this morning.


BACHMANN:  I‘m a foreign correspondent on enemy lines.  I want people

in Minnesota armed and dangerous.  Someone‘s 13-year-old daughter could

walk into a sex clinic. 

PALIN:  Something‘s not quite right when Fidel Castro comes out and

says he likes Obama-care. 

BACHMANN:  Pedophile, someone who considers themselves gay. 

PALIN:  I agree with Rush Limbaugh. 

BACHMANN:  I find it interesting it was in the 1970s the swine flu

broke out then under another Democrat President Jimmy Carter. 

PALIN:  It‘s not a time to retreat.  It‘s a time to reload. 

BACHMANN:  Death panels are the bureaucracies that President Obama is


PALIN:  In honor of the American soldier, you quit making things up.


SCHULTZ:  Well, you see, folks, this kind of hate sells when you‘re

dealing with FOX viewers who are informationally challenged, OK?  It really

sells on the right. 

Now, their game plan is to be reckless as possible and often as

possible.  Palin and Bachmann, well they‘re kind of masters at it.  Palin

and Bachmann have no idea whatsoever how to save the economy, how to create

jobs.  Just remember, they‘re all about big oil, they‘re all about big

insurance, they‘re all about confrontation and war. 

The country rejected all of that stuff in the last election.  They

yell about freedom and liberty, but there‘s really no meat on the bone, is

there? The Republican Party really, to this day, still has an identity

crisis on what they want to do for America.  They got a lot of hat.  They

haven‘t got any cattle.  Get your cell phones out, folks.  I guess you

could say we could have some fun with this one tonight.  Tonight‘s text

survey question is, who do you think is a more dangerous psycho talker?

Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann? Text “A” for Palin, text “B” for Bachmann

to 622639.  We‘ll bring you the results later on in the show.

Now joining me now from Minneapolis is Mayor R.T. Rybak.  He is also a

Democratic candidate for the governorship in the great state of Minnesota. 

R.T., good to have you on tonight.  I guess you could say that Minnesota is

ground zero now.  This is now a national race.  How do you think

Minnesotans are going to respond to Sarah Palin getting 10,000 people to

show up and spew out all the crazy stuff that they‘ve done all along? How

are they going to respond to this?

R.T. RYBAK, MAYOR OF MINNEAPOLIS:  Ed, we‘re the happiest people in

America right now because every time Sarah Palin comes to town, she drops

more money here.  Remember all that money she spent at Neiman Marcus during

the convention?  She‘s back in town at a good union hotel getting people in

there.  And the fact of the matter is, Minnesota is an entertainment hub. 

Prince, Bob Dylan, Garrison Keeler, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, they are

great theater.  So we‘re loving it.  But the fact of the matter is Michele

Bachmann represents the part of Minnesota that has the highest

unemployment, the highest foreclosures and people suffering out there—

SCHULTZ:  We have to grab that, R.T.  You‘re saying that Michele

Bachmann‘s district has higher foreclosures and higher unemployment than

any other district in Minnesota? Is that right?

RYBAK:  It sure does.  And having traveled that area quite a bit, you

hear one story after the other of people suffering deeply from health care

and who are deeply relieved that they finally are going to be able to get


SCHULTZ:  This people, this crew, tandem, they have reported lies

about the death panels, indoctrination camps, they tried to get the

American people disfocused about the census.  Doesn‘t this make the case

for the Democrats in Minnesota to put it to the firewall and go after them? 

There is a clear difference between the Democratic Party, the progressives

in Minnesota.  I mean, they‘re setting the table for you, R.T.

RYBAK:  Well completely.  But you know, they‘re not in the political

realm anymore.  This is entertainment.  You‘re going to hear from Tarryl

Clark, a phenomenal person running for Congress.  I‘m running for governor. 

And Democrats in Minnesota are about getting results.

People are out of work.  They need people to stop doing the theater

and start putting people to work to get health care, to get jobs, to stop

foreclosures.  This is what Democrats are about.  You know, our poor

governor, you know, he hasn‘t been in the state in months.  I‘m so glad

Sarah came here to bring Governor Pawlenty back home.  Meanwhile, where all

these Republicans are running around doing the theater, we‘re trying to put

people to work.  And I don‘t think anybody is going to be more interested

than anything more than who is going to put Minnesotans to work and create

jobs.  That‘s what Barack Obama is doing.  That‘s what Democrats will do

when we represent Michele‘s district in Congress and we take over the


SCHULTZ:  R.T. Rybak, good to have you with us tonight.  Thanks so


RYBAK:  Always good to be on.

SCHULTZ:  For more, let me turn to a Democrat trying to oust Michele

Bachmann, Tarryl Clark.  She‘s the frontrunner to be the Democratic nominee

in Minnesota‘s sixth congressional district.  You just heard the mayor of

Minneapolis say it‘s entertainment.  Do you agree with that, Tarryl?


great to be back with you.  And the bottom line is, let‘s face it,

Washington still isn‘t working for Minnesotans or Americans and

Congresswoman Bachmann certainly isn‘t.  This is just more the same.  What

they‘re doing today is not going to help one more person get a job or stay

in their homes. 

SCHULTZ:  But this is now a national race.  There‘s a lot of people

around this country, a lot of liberals that would love to see Michele

Bachmann out of the Congress.  Are you going to be aggressive? What kind of

campaign are you going to run and how do you see Sarah Palin having an

effect on this race?

CLARK:  Well first off, we‘re running the biggest grassroots campaign

the sixth district has ever seen.  That‘s how we‘ve won in central

Minnesota.  And the bottom line is, it‘s frankly, people of all political

persuasions think it‘s time to send Michele Bachmann onto her next job. 

And it‘s not just people who are liberal or progressive.  It‘s people who

are moderate and conservative.  They want someone who can actually fight

for them.

SCHULTZ:  Tarryl Clark, what is your response to some of the things

that Michele Bachmann has said, talking about indoctrination camps, talking

about death panels.  What‘s your response to that?

CLARK:  Well, Bob Linas (ph), both her son and mine were AmeriCorps

Vista volunteers.  AmeriCorps, her son did Teach for America and my son was

a Vista volunteer.  I‘m proud of the work my son‘s done.  And we should be

helping our young people to be engaged and giving back to our communities

just like so many of us have.  And frankly, people in the sixth district

are frustrated and mad that they don‘t have someone out there fighting for

them.  And that‘s what I‘m going to do.  That‘s what I‘ve done every day of

my life.

SCHULTZ:  Would you have voted for the health care bill? Yes or no. 

CLARK:  Bottom line, while it‘s not perfect, yes.  We can‘t afford the

status quo.  That‘s what we can‘t afford. Small businesses, seniors,

families can‘t afford it.  This is a step in the right direction and

frankly it‘s going to be good for Minnesotans.

SCHULTZ:  Do you need a lot of national help to win this race?

CLARK:  We‘re going to need help from all hands on deck, particularly

people in the sixth district.  If your viewers are interested in helping us

out go to  We just had the biggest quarter of any

congressional candidate challenger in history in Minnesota.  We‘re going to

need all the help we can get.  But unlike Michele Bachmann, who I‘m really

focused on is the people of the sixth district. 

SCHULTZ:  OK.  And just to be sure, the sixth district has more

foreclosures than anywhere else in Minnesota, right?

CLARK:  And the highest unemployment rate.  And Michele Bachmann

consistently votes against the people of our district who are needing their


SCHULTZ:  OK.  Tarryl Clark, good to have you with us.  It‘s a race

we‘re going to follow for sure, thank you. 

CLARK:  Thanks a lot, Ed. 

SCHULTZ:  You bet.  Coming up, the Beckster‘s bible-beating rant on

people who need health care has qualified him for major time in the

confessional and, of course, in the zone.

Virginia‘s Republican governor has outdone himself.  He thinks now

would be the perfect time to honor the confederacy.  The Reverend Jesse

Jackson will rip on that at the bottom of the hour.

Plus, Hannity and the huskies make a cameo appearance in the

“Playbook” section of “The Ed Show.”  Stay with us.  We‘re right back here



SCHULTZ:  It‘s going to take a miracle for rescuers to get to the four

trapped West Virginia miners and get them out alive.  That mining company

had thousands of safety violations over the years.  This has me convinced

that we need an investigation into criminal negligence.  I‘ve got a

commentary next here on MSNBC.


SCHULTZ:  Rescue crews were not able to rescue and resume the search. 

Methane gas levels underground are still too high.  Crews continue to drill

holes to ventilate the area and hopefully restart the search.  Meanwhile,

the Labor Department is launching a special investigation into safety

conditions at the mine, and they should. 

“The Charleston Daily Mail” reports that the mine has had 3,000 safety

violations in the past 15 years.  It was cited as recently as last month

for improper ventilation.  Last night United Steelworkers President Leo

Gerard told me the mine would have been much safer if workers had been




promotes himself as a union buster.  He promotes himself as having a record

of fighting unions wherever they show up in his workplace.  If he spent as

much time helping the workers get a union, helping us then clean up his

workplaces, we wouldn‘t have these fatalities and he wouldn‘t have these


SCHULTZ:  Mr. Gerard, are you willing to say tonight that if these

workers had been members of a union, this would not have happened?

GERARD:  I can absolutely say that if these members had been member of

a union, they would have had the right to refuse unsafe work in our

collective agreements and they would have been able to refuse that work.


SCHULTZ:  And I have to tell it like it is tonight, folks.  This is

all about the man, the man in the front office who took home over $19

million in income in 2008.  This is about the man having his foot right on

the neck of the middle class, having his foot right on the neck of those

mine workers. 

In an economically depressed area of West Virginia where there is no

economic development, this is what they do.  And in the midst of all of

that, without regulation, they‘re allowed to abuse workers.  You see,

because if they don‘t go down in that hole they lose their job.  And all

these right wingers in this country who are attacking the middle class and

attacking labor in this country, you need to go to these funerals because

there‘s going to be 25 of them and maybe more.  We don‘t know what‘s going

to happen to the other four.  It doesn‘t look real good at this hour. 

But here‘s the point.  Unions not only—this is just—I can‘t

believe we‘re having this discussion in this country as if we have to

vilify collective bargaining, where a family can be protected from dangers

in the workplace and there won‘t be the man on the neck of that worker, the

neck of that family and those kids who are now missing a loved one. 

Criminal negligence, homicide, you name it.  The Congress has to get into

this once and for all.  President Obama, you need to get involved in this. 

This is what the Employee Free Choice Act is all about.  Where there‘s

not going to be intimidation, where there‘s not going to be retribution

against employees who just think about organizing in the workplace because

they‘d like to go down into a workplace where they‘re not going to lose

their lives.  Where it will just increase the safety in their area.  Is

that asking too much?  Is it all for the dollar bill in America?  This is

morally wrong.  There is absolutely no difference between what these guys

did in the front office at this Massey Energy Company than what these guys

did down the street on Wall Street to folks who were ripped off. 

This is a matter of life and death.  That‘s what this is.  And you

know what we‘re going to do right now as Americans? We‘re all going to sit

at the dinner tables tonight and we‘re going to ask ourselves, what are we

going to do about it?  And so when I see these rallies out there with Sarah

Palin and Michele Bachmann and they claim to be for the working folk of

America, show me. 

Have the guts to stand up for these families that are now in tragic

loss.  Show me, you Republicans, show me you care.  Show Americans that you

have a heart and you have a soul and that you don‘t despise American

workers who just want a fair shake in the workplace.  I‘m really biting my

tongue right now. 

Sometimes I wish I was on HBO, but this is where I belong, and I

started this show a year ago to fight for the middle class and now we have

some dead people on our hands.  And now we have Republicans who are saying

that, well, the Employee Free Choice Act is not the right thing to do.  We

have the United States Chamber of Commerce throwing lobbyists and millions

of dollars against those families who would like to have a chance to get

some protection in the workplace. 

Do you believe that this company was genuinely addressing the safety

violations?  No.  I could go on for hours, but this is where we stand in

America.  It‘s an ideological divide.  Some people care about the working

folk of America.  And some people flat-out don‘t give a damn.  I don‘t

think Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, I don‘t think they give a damn.  I

couldn‘t support a Republican right now if you cremated me with them.  I

couldn‘t warm up to a Republican if you cremated me with them right now. 

They are against the middle class in this country. 

Joining me now is Phil Smith, he is the United Mine Workers of America

representative.  Mr. Smith, good to have you with us tonight. 


SCHULTZ:  I had to say it.  I had to say it.  Because if I‘m not

speaking—if I‘m not speaking the truth you need to correct me tonight,

Mr. Smith.  I‘ll put that burden on your shoulders right now. 

SMITH:  OK.  I think you are speaking the truth.  I think what we‘ve

seen in the coal fields over the last several years is, quite frankly, the

creation of a climate of fear and intimidation when it comes to organizing

coal mines.  Miners are confronted with not shall we have a union or not

but shall we have a job or not? When you‘re confronted with situations like

that, these are the best jobs around and it‘s difficult to ask people to

take this step to join the union and support the union and end up voting

for the union when they‘re confronted with a choice like that. 

SCHULTZ:  You know, I‘m not here tonight saying that unions would have

prevented death, but it would have given those workers an opportunity to

make an educated decision based on union training whether they were in a

good environment.  There was an interview on this network today, Norah

O‘Donnell interviewed a mine worker.  Mr. Smith, that worker admitted on

this network that he didn‘t know about the safety violations.  What is

going on here?

SMITH:  You know, I don‘t know.  That certainly would not have

happened at a mine where the workers were represented by a union.  We have

local union safety committees that make sure that issues like high methane

levels, coal dust accumulations, ventilation problems, if something like

that‘s going on at a union-represented mine like it was going on at this

mine, likelihood is we would have withdrawn from work. 

SCHULTZ:  What‘s the next move? What can come out of this


SMITH:  Well, I think we need to—the first and foremost find out

exactly what happened here.  Find out exactly what caused this explosion. 

What events that came up through the timeline led to this thing.  Were any

of the violations that Massey was cited for, did any of those lead to this

we need to know the answer to those questions. 

SCHULTZ:  Yes, we do.  Go ahead. 

SMITH:  And then we need to move forward.  I agree with you, Congress

needs to get involved.  The Obama administration needs to get involved. 

And we need to move forward and find some solutions, not just to this

problem but to the overall problem of safety in the mines.  We‘ve made some

progress in the last year or so.  Clearly the results of this week are it‘s

not enough. 

SCHULTZ:  Mr. Smith, good to have you with us tonight.  We‘ll stay on

this story.  It‘s a tough time to talk about how to correct all of this

because there are families that are hurting, but this is how a democracy

works and to keep the American people focused on this, this is the only way

we‘re going to get anything done.  Thanks for joining us tonight.

SMITH:  My pleasure.  Thank you.

SCHULTZ:  Coming up, the Beckster has found a way to use scripture to

beat down Americans who desperately need jobs.  The twisted talk lands him

deep in the “zone” next.  Stay with us.


SCHULTZ:  And in “Psycho Talk” tonight, it‘s the Beckster and he‘s

armed with the bible this time.  On his radio show today, Glenn Beck was

hollering about big government as usual.  Then his sidekick, this guy named

Stu, who‘s a real piece of work, he broke out the scripture allowing Beck

to make a highly insensitive and truly psycho point. 


GLENN BECK, TALK SHOW HOST:  In second Thessalonians 3, verse 10, it

says for even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any

would not work, neither should he eat.  I mean, I love that.  If you‘re not

that‘s the point. 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  That is.  We are meant to work.

BECK:  That is the point.  That is everybody‘s problem with government

handouts.  Get a damn job.  That‘s the problem with government welfare and

everything else.  Get a damn job. 


SCHULTZ:  So did you hear that, America?  Glenn Beck thinks you‘re

lazy.  The 9.7 percent of you who are unemployed, eh, you‘re just not

working hard enough.  You‘re not looking hard enough.  You‘re falling back

on the government assistant.  You‘re just not trying hard enough. 

Never mind that the average unemployment check is only 270 dollars a

week.  According to the Beckster, that‘s 270 bucks—that‘s an incentive

for you to just slack off.  Now he‘s using scripture to support his

argument?  Glenn, using the Bible to demean struggling Americans is

repulsive psycho talk.

Coming up, whoever believes Virginia is for lovers had better keep an

eye on the governor.  He wants to devote the entire month of April to the

celebration of the Confederacy.  The Reverend Jesse Jackson will be here

with his reaction in just a moment. 

And the righty psychos, well, they‘re running amuck.  The FBI just

arrested a California man for harassing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  And as

we learn disturbing new details about the man dolling out explicit death

threats to Senator Patty Murray.  All that and much more coming up right

here on THE ED SHOW, on MSNBC.  Stay with us.


SCHULTZ:  Welcome back to THE ED SHOW.  Thanks for watching tonight. 

If you live in the state of Virginia, April is officially Confederate

History Month.  Republican Governor Bob McDonnell reinstated the

controversial proclamation yesterday.  McDonnell originally didn‘t include

any language condemning slavery which previous Republican governors had


People were outraged.  And just a short time ago, McDonnell, well, he

put out this statement, quote, “the failure to include any reference to

slavery was a mistake and I apologize for that.  The abomination of slavery

divided our nation, deprived people of their God given, in alienable rights

and led to civil war.  Slavery was an evil, vicious and inhumane practice

which degraded human beings to property, and it has left a stain on the

soul of the state and nation.”

Joining me now is the Reverend Jesse Jackson, president of the Rainbow

Push Coalition.  Reverend, good to have you on tonight. 


SCHULTZ:  What do you make of this statement?  I mean, that‘s an

awfully strong apology having missed it the first time.  How do you respond

to first of all the proclamation and then the apology? 

JACKSON:  The Confederate flag represents secession, division,

humiliation and an attempt to overthrow our government, and it failed.  Now

we have the United States, which we should be honored for.  I can

understand two parties, but one nation and one flag. 

Congressman Jackson just filed appropriate legislation urging that we

honor the Sesquicentennial celebration of the Civil War, to have

appropriate celebrations for the Civil War and its relics.  But it seems it

would be awful painful today, with young men and women fighting in

Afghanistan and Iraq, fighting for the Unite—supposed to be a throwback

in time. 

SCHULTZ:  This was the man who gave the response to the State of the

Union.  This is a man who‘s being touted by the Republican party as

possible future candidate to run for presidency.  Do you accept this


JACKSON:  No, this is hardly calculated, unfortunately.  You know, I

say more than 1,200,000 Virginians have no health insurance at all, yet

they file a law suit against health insurance policy.  People in that state

who are poor, who live in Appalachia, who live in Tidewater -- 1,200,000

Virginians have no health insurance, yet they would, again, challenge the

federal government‘s right to insure all Americans, including those who are

the most disabled. 

This is a states‘ right, ideological statement, that‘s high political


SCHULTZ:  Well, he still wants to honor the Confederacy.  Do you go

along with that? 

JACKSON:  Well, I do not.  That‘s why Congressman Jackson‘s

legislation is seeking an appropriate commemoration of the Sesquicentennial

of the Civil War.  The president can appoint a bipartisan commission,

determine what‘s appropriate.  But to fly the Confederate flag over a

United States flag, or even at the same level, itself, it undermines the

integrity of our nation. 

SCHULTZ:  Do you think that apology went far enough? 

JACKSON:  No, I do not.  Nor do I think it‘s sincere.  The whole

states‘ rights versus the federal government, the fact that they‘re

fighting the health care plan because of the states‘ right to determine

health care—that is a very pronounced statement about states‘ rights. 

And, of course, with states‘ rights and national disunity, slavery is a by-

product of that. 

So the governor knew what he was doing and now I think that a kind of

light-hearted apology does not at all address the fact that he still wants

to honor the Confederacy this month.  An appropriation might be to withdraw

this as an appropriate celebration. 

This is Virginia, a state with many military bases and soldiers in

uniform in the great Tidewater area.  And for those soldiers in the

Tidewater who have to look at an interstate where they are flying the

confederate flag, honoring that month, is un-American, unfair,

secessionist, divisionary.  We deserve better. 

SCHULTZ:  Do you think that the governor should rescind the


JACKSON:  He should rescind the proclamation and should vow to the

commit himself to the United States of America.  Again, we can have

divisions on positions.  There should be no more division on the unity of

our nation.  One nation, one flag, under God. 

These are the same people who want to go to a ball game and say “one

nation under God,” yet one nation, two flags.  It does not stand to reason. 

SCHULTZ:  Reverend Jackson, I want to switch stories on you, if I may,

for a moment.  I want you to comment on the tragedy that has taken place

with the mine workers in West Virginia.  There‘s a lot of folks out there

hurting tonight.  But it also really cuts to the chase about workers‘

rights in this country, the Employee Free-Choice Act.  We‘ve had some labor

leaders on this program and on my radio show saying that this could have

been prevented. 

In light of that, should President Obama get involved?  Is this a time

to address how we value workers in this country?  Your thoughts? 

JACKSON:  It‘s a great moment to revive the war on poverty.  A coal

miner dies in Appalachia every six hours.  This happened to be a rather—

a rather—a big act, 25-plus people were killed.  But a coal miner dies

from sucking up that coal dust, black lung disease, asthma every day.  So

this is a time I think to look at—given expanding base of poverty in our

country, this is a time to address the issues of workers right, workers

options, and, in a real sense, to put America back to work. 

I think we‘ve done a bit by reviving the bankers.  We‘ve bailed out

the bankers top down.  What a great time to revive the war on poverty, and,

if you will, Great Society Part II, bottom up. 

SCHULTZ:  Reverend Jackson, always a pleasure.  Thanks for the time


JACKSON:  Thank you, sir. 

SCHULTZ:  Now let‘s get some rapid fire response from our panel on

these stories.  Embattled Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says if the

midterm elections were held today, he‘d win, although every poll in the

state of Nevada says the opposite.

At a recent town hall meeting, Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn criticized

Fox News and defended Nancy Pelosi.  Holy smokes.  Is it different when you

go home?  It didn‘t go over very well with a room full of angry

Republicans, I might add. 

The man charged with threatening to kill Democratic Senator Patty

Murray of Washington may have taken part in a Tea Party rally outside her


With us tonight is Todd Webster, Democratic strategist, and Heidi

Harris, radio talk show host out of Las Vegas tonight. 

All right, Heidi, what to you make of this story that the guy was

arrested, may have participated in a Tea Party event?  What does that say? 

And should the Tea Party leaders, if there are some, tone this rhetoric

down?  What do you think? 

HEIDI HARRIS, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST:  Oh, come on.  What rhetoric?  We

don‘t need to tone anything down.  There were about 20,000 people in

Searchlight.  We talked about that last week.  There was not violent

episode.  You‘re going to have wackos no matter what.  Remember the guy who

got his finger bit off by somebody who was actually supporting Obama‘s

health care plan?  It was bitten off by that guy, not the guy who was

opposed to Obama‘s plan.  What about them?  I never heard anybody denounce


SCHULTZ:  OK.  Todd Webster, your thoughts on threatening the life of

a United States senator and also being in the Tea Party crowd. 

TODD WEBSTER, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST:  Well, I don‘t want to condemn

all the Tea Partiers.  I think, as the president pointed out, there are

some who have got some legitimate concerns.  But I think you are seeing—

with the news about Nancy Pelosi being threatened today, Patty Murray last

week, other Democrats being threatened, there is a time and a place for

vigorous debate and disagreement, on the floor of the House, on the floor

of the Senate. 

If you want to debate of the health care bill, whether we ought to

hold insurance companies accountable, whether students ought to be able to

stay on their parent‘s health care until they‘re 26, then let‘s have this

debate.  I think the rhetoric from conservatives, conservative media, from

some Republican political leaders, the Sarah Palins and the Michele


SCHULTZ:  It‘s over the top. 

WEBSTER:  -- is unfortunately making these crazy people go over the


SCHULTZ:  It certainly is. 

WEBSTER:  They need to dial it back. 

SCHULTZ:  They need to dial it back and be responsible for it.  OK,

Heidi, Harry Reid, he claims, even though he trails in the polls—and

we‘ll show them to you.  Lowden, Tarkanian and Angel all lead Harry Reid. 

Although he says if the election were held today, he‘d win.  What do you


HARRIS:  Talk about fuzzy math.  Are you kidding?  You know what he

said.  He basically said he‘s not running against just the republican. 

He‘s going to be running against the republican, independent, a Tea Party

candidate, and under that basis, he wins.  Is he kidding?  Seriously, he‘s


He has no idea what‘s going on in Nevada.  He has no idea how unliked

he is in Nevada.  Now he‘s on a bus, this stupid throw Nevada under the bus

tour he‘s taking?  For a couple of days, he think that‘s going to make up

for all the time he hasn‘t been in Nevada or cared what we thought?  He‘s

out of his mind.  He‘s nuts.  I appreciate that because it‘s going to help

us beat him in November. 

SCHULTZ:  Todd Webster, your thoughts on where Harry Reid is

politically right now? 

WEBSTER:  Look, Harry Reid is a fighter.  He knows how to win

elections.  He‘s been a Capital Hill police officer.  He was a golden

gloves boxer.  This guy is a very, very effective leader for Nevada.  He‘s

the most powerful thing to come out of Nevada since the Hoover Dam was

built.  He will be re-elected. 

I think a lot of Republicans talk at how this might be similar to

Senator Tom Daschle, who unfortunately was not elected in 2004.  But it‘s a

significantly different state.  Nevada is much more culturally diverse,

obviously, than South Dakota. 

SCHULTZ:  Todd, what do you make of Tom Coburn?  He didn‘t say this in

Washington, but he said it back in the state of Oklahoma, said nice things

about Nancy Pelosi, and also took a shot at Fox News. 

WEBSTER:  Give Tom Coburn credit, frankly.  You know, he has—he is

leaving the politics in Washington.  I give him credit for having that, and

for having that grace.  There was a great and very telling study that came

out by the Pew Center a couple years ago that found that Fox viewers are

actually less well informed than other Americans.  And not that it actually

reduces your IQ, but the amount of misinformation and disinformation that

they found in this Pew study, the fact that 75 percent or 80 percent of Fox

viewers believe that Saddam Hussein, not Osama bin Laden, was responsible

for 9/11, speaks to what can happen when you watch too much Fox. 

SCHULTZ:  Heidi, is this a turn by the Republican party that they

might be a little more realistic about their colleagues in Washington? 

HARRIS:  No, I don‘t think so.  I mean, Nancy Pelosi may have some

good qualities.  She might be a good grandmother or something.  You‘re a

nice guy, Ed, but I disagree with everything you say.  I don‘t see why you

have to be vicious about it. 

SCHULTZ:  I‘m not being vicious about it at all.  I just wish—I

wish Tom Coburn would say this in Washington.  I commend him for saying it,

because I think we have to reduce the rhetoric in this country.  I think

what you say at home and what you say in Washington, apparently, are two

different things. 

Heidi Harris, Todd Webster, good to have you with us tonight. 

Coming up, Caribou Barbie has got a sweet new nickname for her psycho

sister Michele Bachmann, the Pink Elephant.  They‘ll both stampede their

way past Sean Hannity next in the playbook.  Stay with us. 


SCHULTZ:  In my playbook tonight, more than 10,000 people showed up

today to watch Sarah Palin pal around with Michele Bachmann at a rally in

Minneapolis.  Palin has one thing going for her.  She knows how to play to

a right wing Minnesota crowd. 


SARAH PALIN, FMR. GOVERNOR OF ALASKA:  It is really good to be here in

the land of 10,000 Lakes with patriots—patriots who love your country,

who are so proud to be Americans, and you who love your good hunting and

fishing.  And some of you proudly clinging to your guns and religion, like

the rest of us.  I really love Minnesota.  I love being here because you

all sound just like me or I sound just like you, vice versa. 


SCHULTZ:  I tell you, it‘s deep, isn‘t it?  Joining me now for more on

this is Matt Snyder, reporter for the liberal newspaper, “The Minneapolis

City Pages.”  Matt, is this going to have a big effect on Democrats?  Would

they be motivated to come out against these two? 

MATT SNYDER, “THE MINNEAPOLIS CITY PAGES”:  It‘s looking like it, if

you go by fund-raising.  Tarryl Clark, your first guest, she set a

Minnesota state record for fund-raising in the first three quarters of the

election year.  She raised about 505,000 dollars.  That set a Minnesota

record.  So judging by fund-raising, yes, it looks like Democrats are

energized in Minnesota. 

SCHULTZ:  Now, this wasn‘t even held in Bachmann‘s district.  This was

in Keith Ellison‘s district, correct? 

SNYDER:  Yes, Minneapolis, which she would conclude is not part of the

real America.  It was interesting that she chose to house it in

Minneapolis.  Again, they had to have a lot of room for all these people,

so they had to go this route. 

SCHULTZ:  What do you make of these two?  Are they breaking out as the

leaders of the Republican party? 

SNYDER:  I think what the GOP is doing, and what they‘re doing

personally is they‘re channeling this ground—the swelling of concern

about big government.  And instead of it being a grassroots, outside of the

two-party system, what the GOP is trying to do is to channel that, redirect

it to help the GOP and to help them personally. 

So I don‘t know if they‘re the new face, but they‘re certainly taking

advantage of some real disenchantment out there. 

SCHULTZ:  Matt Snyder, good to have you with us tonight.  Thanks so


One final question I do want to ask you.  Was this the “People

Magazine” crowd?  Or do you think these were serious political folks out

there that want to make a difference? 

SNYDER:  I think they are genuine people getting bamboozled by a

couple front-men for the GOP establishment. 

SCHULTZ:  There you go.  Good to have you on, Matt.  Thank you. 

Tiger Woods starts his comeback on the golf course tomorrow when he

tees off at the Masters.  He‘s also working on his personal reputation with

a brand new Nike commercial. 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Tiger, I am more prone to be inquisitive, to

promote discussion.  I want to find out what your thinking was.  I want to

find out what your feelings are.  And did you learn anything? 


SCHULTZ:  The voice of his dad. 

Coming up, uh-oh, President Karzai has found himself on our frenemies

list.  More on that next.


SCHULTZ:  Welcome back.  Finally tonight on THE ED SHOW, in the past

week, Afghan President Hamid Karzai has berated the United States for

interfering.  He also reportedly threatened to join the Taliban, although

his spokesman is now denying that.  The Obama administration is becoming

increasingly frustrated.  Here‘s Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on the




remarks he‘s made—I can‘t imagine anybody in this country found them

anything other than troubling. 


SCHULTZ:  Gibbs also hinted that the White House may consider

canceling Karzai‘s scheduled May 12th visit to Washington.  Joining me now,

Jon Soltz, an Iraq War veteran and chairman of 

Jon, is it important from a soldier‘s standpoint for Hamid Karzai to

be crystal clear on where he stands with the United States?  What do you


JON SOLTZ, VOTEVETS.ORG:  It‘s absolutely important in this situation. 

When the president made the decision to send 30,000, 40,000 more troops

into Afghanistan, it can only be successful with a partner in that counter-

insurgency operation.  That here is Hamid Karzai.  And it‘s why, you know,

organizations like ours did not endorse the president‘s plan. 

And, you know, to be honest, I don‘t have a whole lot of sympathy

right now for the administration on this issue, just because, you know,

there were people inside the administration, like the vice president, who

tried to explain to them, look, you can put the troops in there, they‘re

going to quell violence, but that‘s 100 percent chance that we‘ll be

successful at 25 percent of the operation.  They didn‘t look at the full

spectrum of the picture.  Hamid Karzai is one of those. 

SCHULTZ:  Do you think Karzai is telling the truth?  He has made some

moves in his administration.  He fired Afghanistan‘s top two election

officials.  And, of course, they‘re recanting the statement.  What do you


SOLTZ:  I mean, telling the truth, not telling the truth.  There are

all kinds of reports out there all over the place about Hamid Karzai.  If

you‘re a guy in Helmand Province right now, and you‘re fighting for your

life and you‘re fighting to secure a piece of terrain, do you have

confidence in the inter-agency process of our federal government to come in

there and help do the humanitarian role?  Do you really have confidence

that you‘re not fighting against the perception that this guy is corrupt to

the Afghan people, in a society that‘s basically has the technology that we

had, you know, almost a century or two ago? 

So it‘s very complicated, and the troops deserve better than that. 

There‘s no question.  They deserve better than Hamid Karzai‘s statements. 

SCHULTZ:  Quickly, your organization has taken a poll, and polled a

lot of veterans on what this is all about.  Quickly, it‘s about oil, OK? 

Seventy three percent favor it, 22 percent are opposed among Afghan—

Iraq/Afghan war veterans when it comes to supporting clean-energy

legislation.  This is quite a statement, isn‘t it? 

SOLTZ:  Absolutely.  I mean, 40 percent of that poll was Republican,

20 percent was Democrat.  As we look at the legislation we‘re going to see

coming out of the Senate, where you have Lindsey Graham and John Kerry and

Joe Lieberman together as the sponsors of the climate legislation, there‘s

a reason why the military is so against it.  Basically, we‘re keeping the

value of oil up in the open market.  You have states like Iran who are

earning money off our demand and passing that to terrorist organizations

that we end up fighting across the Middle East. 

So there‘s overwhelming support in the veterans community for lowering

our dependence on foreign oil. 

SCHULTZ:  Jon, good to have you with us tonight.  Thanks so much. 

Tonight, our text survey question was—I asked who‘s more dangerous

psycho talker?  Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann?  Fifty two percent say

Palin; 48 percent Say Bachmann. 

That‘s THE ED SHOW.  I‘m Ed Schultz.  We‘ll see you tomorrow night. 

“HARDBALL” with Chris Matthews is next.




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