Snooki’s beauty secrets can be downright ugly

The “Jersey Shore” star has already shared some of her beauty secrets: For starters, don’t use a Bumpit. But she has some that she’s kept quiet too.


“Jersey Shore” star Snooki has already shared some of her beauty secrets: For starters, don’t use a Bumpit. But she has some that she’s kept quiet.

For example, when she’s busy with press, she leaves five days worth of makeup on her face.

“She was bragging that it had been five days since she’s washed her face,” said one makeup artist who recently prepared her for a television appearance. “She said she was too tired to wash her face. I had to scrub to get down to her skin. When I apologized and said it would be worth it because she’d look great, she responded with, ‘I always look great anyway.’ ”

When it was time to move over to the hair department, Snooki had no poof demands. Rather, she wanted to look like another reality star. According to the hairdresser, “Snooki just looked at me and said, ‘Kim Kardash me.’ She’s no Kim Kardashian.”

One final step in the get-ready-for-television process: Tell yourself you look good.

“At the very end, she leaned into the mirror and said, ‘I’m hot. Yeah, I’m hot,” according to the makeup artist.

Fey on a possible Liz-Jack hookup

Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr. on the "Let's Be Cops," red carpet, Selena Gomez is immortalized in wax and more.

“30 Rock” fans will not be faced with the possibility of a romance between Liz Lemon and Jack Donaghy. At least through the 14th season.

“Let me put the Internet at ease,” Fey told Esquire. “Liz and Jack will never be together. Not even if we go fifteen seasons. OK, if we get to season fifteen, they’ll do it.”

And she has some timely advice for married men out there, and it involves keeping that ring on the ring finger.

“Keep on your wedding ring and shut your mouth. There is something about a wedding ring that does make people think,” Fey told the magazine. “It does raise your stock in a way you can never capitalize on. You can never cash in on it. It’s like GE, you just got to keep holding it. It’s just going to keep going up forever. What’s that? GE went down?”

Weekend box office
Three different releases will try to knock “Alice in Wonderland” off its two-week run atop the box office. First, there’s Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler rom-comming it up in “The Bounty Hunter.” It will do well, not necessarily because of the acting.

Another big contender this weekend is “Diary of a Wimpy Kid.” Adapted from the hugely popular kids series and opening in more than 3,100 theaters, it stands to make a considerable amount of cash — definitely more than the final contender of the weekend, Jude Law and Forrest Whittaker’s “Repo Men.”

However, I don't believe any of the new releases will be able to keep “Alice in Wonderland” from a three-peat atop the box office this weekend.

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