Lindsay Lohan shows little sis the night life

Life & Style magazine reports that Lohan has been taking Ali, 15, out to clubs. “Both of them were smoking like chimneys and dancing around,” one witness said.


Lindsay Lohan might be putting most of her late-night proclivities behind her, but she hasn’t stopped going out all together — and now she’s bringing her 15-year-old sister, Ali, along with her.

The sisters Lohan hit up L.A.’s Crown Bar Sept. 4, and according to one person who was there, Lindsay wasn’t keeping close tabs on Ali. “Lindsay didn’t coddle her or anything,” a guest told Life & Style magazine. “They partied until after 1 a.m., and she treated Ali as if she were just one of her friends at the club with her. And Ali was excited to be there.”

The magazine reports that the next night, Lindsay took her to another club. “They walked into Teddy’s at the Roosevelt Hotel around midnight,” according to a witness who spoke to L&S. “Both of them were smoking like chimneys and dancing around.”

The girls’ father, Michael Lohan, thinks that sisterly bond prevails over whether the outings are appropriate. “I’m glad Lindsay and Ali remain so close,” he told Life & Style. “However, they’re independent people and are capable of making their own decisions.”

Taylor Swift ready to turn the page Both Kanye West and Taylor Swift have had a spate of publicity since West rudely interrupted Swift’s acceptance speech at the VMAs on Sept. 13. Regardless of whether you think West’s spotlight theft was intentional, their talk show appearances since then were planned well in advance.

Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr. on the "Let's Be Cops," red carpet, Selena Gomez is immortalized in wax and more.

In the case of Swift, her booking on “The View” was put on the calendar before the show went on its August hiatus. She finally spoke to West, who apologized for the incident, after her Sept. 15 segment, and a “View” source there confirms that Swift is ready to be done.

“She and her entire camp are really ready to turn the page,” said the source. “She’s such a sweet girl and is handling this so well, but she’s really ready to be done with it. It’s not what she’s about.”

Toronto celebs go stag … and behave

The stars turn out to promote some of the year’s biggest movies.

For once, a story about celebs not behaving badly. At this year’s Toronto Film Festival, Jennifer Garner, George Clooney and Rob Lowe all showed up sans dates at the “Invention of Lying” after party hosted by Blackberry, and not a single story of trouble or misbehaving erupted. See, Hollywood can behave. In fact, the only celeb couple joined at the hip with a significant other was Matt Damon and his wife, Luciana, who engaged in some PDA.

My memories of Patrick Swayze  “Dirty Dancing” was the first PG-13 movie I ever watched — illicitly at that, at a sleepover up the street (sorry, Mom and Dad). An outing to see “Ghost” stands out as a fond memory of my family’s entertainment on a rainy day during our summer beach vacation in 1990.

Among the crop of celebrities who loomed large in my upbringing, Swayze was one of the first I interviewed as a young, exceedingly green entertainment reporter. To help get some nerves out of the way, I informed him of that up front, and then at the end of the interview told him I was worried I’d have to pester him later to ask him things I’d inadvertently forgotten.

Immediately he said, “Well, don’t you worry about a thing. Here’s my personal e-mail address, just don’t tell my publicist I’m giving it to you. If you find you left anything out, just e-mail me and we’ll make sure you have what you need. You’ve done great.”

Swayze wasn’t at the height of his fame then — he was promoting “Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights” — but from everything I’ve learned about him before or since, that gesture represents just the kind of guy he was. He was a solid human being who appreciated what he had and wanted to help other people out to get where they were going. He was just plain nice.

Actor never put baby in the corner and wasn't afraid to don a dress for the many films throughout his career.

Until now, I hadn’t given much thought to the fact no one really uses a rolodex any more. Yesterday and today, I have. Although I tossed the rolodex years ago, I did save the card where I wrote down the e-mail address Swayze gave me while we were on the phone. I’m going to keep it.

For a long time it was a good reminder that life is funny. The 11-year-old Courtney up too late at the neighbor’s house never, ever thought she’d one day place a phone call to the guy she was watching on television, who had the best dance moves she’d ever seen. Now I’ll keep it as a reminder that when this business is showing its ugly side, there are some really fantastic people who are a part of it. Hollywood lost one of the good ones.

Courtney Hazlett delivers the Scoop Monday through Friday on Follow Scoop on Twitter: @ courtneyatmsnbc.