Lady Bacon Obama, meet Aziza Glamourpuss

Here are 40 more wild dog names and 40 more wacky cat names that were considered for the top 10 spots in an annual contest of unusual pet monikers.


Want to chuckle at some more wild and wacky pet names?

Veterinary Pet Insurance Co. employees chose a total of 50 unusual cat names and 50 unusual dog names from the company’s database of more than 470,000 insured pets. The top 10 in each category were selected when employees voted for their favorites.

Here are 40 more funny dog names that didn't quite make the top 10 cut:

  1. Full Metal Frank
  2. Community College
  3. Pee Gravel
  4. Homer Piddle Cotton
  5. Bubba The Dooderbutt
  6. Butkiss Hoover
  7. Foxy Divaliscious
  8. Phlegm Kaddlehopper
  9. Einstein Snickerdoodle
  10. Bobolina Pinky Poo
  11. Foolio Squirt
  12. Wilhemina Von Ruckus
  13. Choquidokey
  14. Beefsock
  15. Chipoodle
  16. Lady Bacon Obama
  17. Bogey Mclovin
  18. Buckwheat Yoda
  19. Physics
  20. Dr. Ralph Ralpherson
  21. Darwin Hoover Haven
  22. Fonzi Boombox
  23. Pippy Deer Dancer
  24. Bunny Duty
  25. Lil Bits Of Panda
  26. Doolie Toothpaste
  27. Detective Frank
  28. Nut Butter Jimenez
  29. Paulie Walnuts
  30. Alabama Whirly
  31. Koda Son Of Hercules
  32. Dr. Love
  33. Tinkle Bell
  34. Colonel Boogie
  35. Dong Dong Willson
  36. Gracie Yo-Yo Krank
  37. Biggie Baxter Cream
  38. Randy Hornblower
  39. Agustus Yankee Dance
  40. Princess Babe Shack

And here are 40 more unusual cat names:

  1. Lady Deathstrike
  2. Major Mittens
  3. Sargeant Pickles
  4. Fuzzbucket
  5. Platter Puss
  6. Motley Screensaver
  7. Poopie Stretch
  8. Fluffun Muffin
  9. Jack Bauer Supercat
  10. Bucky Crookshanks
  11. Dumpster Kitty
  12. Measles
  13. Brains
  14. Mousetrapp
  15. Zaboomafoo
  16. Puffin P-Diddy
  17. Catfish Bob
  18. Clark Cat Super Kitty
  19. Baby Fish Mouth
  20. Warmuffin
  21. Bisghetti Lou
  22. Bumblebe Flashdance
  23. Mean Ole Fiesta
  24. Aziza Glamourpuss
  25. Bandit Ziegenfuss
  26. Mr. Pennzoil Bristle
  27. Lord Fangs
  28. Toes Man
  29. Friskie Loving
  30. Beluga Armstrong
  31. Charlie Applesauce
  32. Cripple Kitty Boo
  33. Special Ed
  34. Crunchy
  35. Ms. Noxema Jackson
  36. Miss Boo Scaredeycat
  37. Dubbya S Justice
  38. Jughead Alexander
  39. Mr. Muscles
  40. Cap N Cosmo