Is your marriage sexless?

Do you find that your marriage is starving for sex? You and your spouse are just too busy, too stressed, or too tired? If so, we’d like to hear your stories. Send your e-mail here.


OF THE MORE than 56 million married couples in this country, it’s estimated that 15 to 20 percent have sex 10 times or less each year. The causes can be numerous: stress, exhaustion, raising kids, friction in the relationship, advancing age or medical problems.

Whether you’ve experienced a decline in how often you have sex with your spouse, or perhaps you and your spouse are not having sex at all, we’d like to hear your story. How have you handled the lack of sex in your marriage? What are some of the causes and how have you both been able — or not — to address them?

If you’d like to share your story for an upcoming segment on “Today,” e-mail us by filling out the form below and we’ll try to include you in our discussion. Please include a daytime phone number so we can be sure to reach you.