Faith Hill returns to Redbook cover

In 2007, Faith Hill's image was heavily retouched for a Redbook cover. Now she's back on the magazine's cover, plus posing inside as three iconic blondes, including Grace Kelly.


The last time Faith Hill was on the cover of Redbook magazine, the original photo was leaked and posted on, which proved that Hill’s appearance was brazenly re-touched by the magazine.

In case you missed that July 2007 brouhaha, it was widely agreed that it was outrageous for Redbook to go to the retouching extent it did. The magazine smoothed a clavicle, corrected crow’s feet and did away with Hill's right hand. The extreme Photoshop makeover of a woman who, by all definitions, is naturally beautiful, was outrageous.

What a difference a year and a half makes. Hill is on the cover again, and inside, she poses as three other iconic blondes — Grace Kelly, Twiggy and Brigitte Bardot.

Hill says in the interview that Redbook approached her with the idea. Was it a make-good for the cover mess of a few years back? That doesn’t seem to be the case.

“Faith Hill is one of our favorite cover girls, and our readers can’t get enough of her — so why not do four covers?” editor in chief Stacy Morrison asked.

And although Morrison doesn’t come out and say there was absolutely no retouching this time around, it sounds like it was avoided for the most part. “When you are bringing together a world-class beauty and a world-class photographer like Gilles Bensimon, the results are guaranteed to be breathtaking, Morrison said. "Gilles’ use of light is so skilled that his photographs were nearly flawless as taken.”

If there are any sore feelings over the cover of 2007, they’ve been forgotten, and Hill is happy with the current results.

Her publicist Paul Freundlich said, “We couldn’t be more pleased about the photos that were taken. The reaction has been overwhelmingly positive. The images are incredibly original. They were beautifully done.”

Keeping Tabs: Life & Style wins week by ‘slim’ marginThe “Biggest Loser” press parade continues this week in the celebrity weekly world, but it’s Life & Style that makes the most of all things weight loss on their cover.

The main cover line, “Thin By Summer,” isn’t a judgment; it’s a rally cry. And it also doesn't force any one standard of beauty upon the reader.

There’s more at work here, though. Without coming out and saying it, it seems like editor Dan Wakeford gives a subtle nod to the Susan Boylemania of the past week. The image of “Loser” winner Kristin isn’t overly glamorous, and even the small cover image, called a "chip," of Robert Pattinson uses “messy hair” and “scary” to describe why he is the “sexiest man on earth.”

Conversely, the cover chip with a polished-looking Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston says “Alone” in a large font. In other words, if you’ve come here to find a Hollywood version of beauty and happiness, move along, there’s none of that to see here.

L&S nails the classic celebrity weekly cover, but People merits mention, too. The “Craigslist Killing” is the kind of story that speaks to People’s reporting strengths, and the cover layout is going to be a huge sales draw on the newsstand.

Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr. on the "Let's Be Cops," red carpet, Selena Gomez is immortalized in wax and more.

Why? The picture of medical student Philip Markoff is offset by the woman he allegedly murdered, and the cover still contains teases for Susan Boyle and Matthew McConaughey stories inside. Also, the cover layout copies a formula that’s worked for People in the past, right down to the color schemes. “Murder in Nantucket: Every Woman’s Nightmare” from Nov. 2004 was a success, and got enormous pickup from the press. Expect this one to do the same.

Condi’s post-Bush diplomacy
Condoleezza Rice made it clear she’s a fan of Tiger Woods in her Daily Beast column last week, but does she also have a thing for Randy Jackson?

The former secretary of state requested a dinner date with the “American Idol” judge when she was in L.A. for her March 24 appearance on “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno,” according to an Us Weekly report.

“He was sort of mystified (by the request), but he went,” a source told Us of Jackson, who is married and has three children.

The two discussed their common passion for music over dinner at the Beverly Wilshire hotel. Jackson didn’t disappoint Rice, who is a classically trained pianist. “She found him to be absolutely intriguing,” an insider said.

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