High-tech for low prices: Best sites, gadgets

From handy, cheap cameras to easy-to-use entertainment libraries, eBay gadget and toy director Cat Schwartz presents the best technology has to offer (on a budget).


Interested in the best way to score a cheap gadget? You can purchase a refurbished gadget for up to 60 percent off the average retail price. Refurbished means the device may not have been used, but just wasn't the right color or size for the original buyer. The item was returned and because the box was opened, the gadget has to be tested and fixed, if necessary. The item is then classified as a "refurb" and sent away to be resold.

Interested in taking the plunge to buying pre-owned or refurbished gadgets? Try these tips for finding pre-owned items for a steal on eBay:

  • Use search terms such as refurbished, pre-owned or used.
  • If you're a little wary of taking the plunge into buying used, start small to test the market. You can start by buying a memory card or a thumb drive.
  • When buying a pre-owned gadget, look for complete sets. The goal when buying pre-owned is to purchase an item with all the necessary plugs, cords, instructions and controls.
  • Contact the seller directly with any questions and to get all details on the product. For example, has all personal information been cleared off the hard drive of a pre-owned gadget? Read the full description!
  • Be knowledgeable about the pre-owned item you’re about to purchase. Read reviews online, compare pricing, and gather product and warranty details. Any questions? You can always contact the seller to fill in the blanks.

Best cheap and easy sites:

Jott.com (free)Because you have a million things running through your head at once, you may need a new system for keeping track of all your to-dos. I often have to leave myself a message as a reminder and eventually I'll listen to it and write it down on a piece of paper that I could possibly lose. Needless to say, this system doesn’t work. But I've found the perfect solution: Jott. With this free service, I simply call my Jott number and voice the message to the service. In turn, Jott e-mails or texts me with my note right that instant. You can also use the service to call in reminders or add tasks to an online calendar, all through voice recognition technology.

Pure Digital Flip Mino ($150)
I truly carry this video camera with me every time I leave the house. For only $30 more than the original Flip Video, you get a slimmer body, rechargeable battery and an overall cool little cam. Plus, it’s got an easy-to-use USB connection built into it that flips out with the touch of a button. It runs on batteries and holds one hour of video. Every man, woman and child should own one!

Creative Vado ($99)
If $150 for the Flip Mino is out of your budget, try the Creative Vado. The Vado has only slightly lower video quality, but you're still getting an inexpensive camcorder that's easily portable.

FreeCycle.org (free)
You can easily score a free gadget on this Web site! The site is divided into regional communities of residents donating items they no longer need or use. Sign up for your local chapter and begin donating items today! In return, you can find some amazing electronics for free. There are more than 5 million people currently using the Web site who’ve exchanged a variety of consumer goods. Fontifier.com  ($9 to buy, free downloads)Fontifier lets you use your own handwriting for the text you write on the computer. Start by scanning a sample of your handwriting onto the computer. Once complete, you can use your handwriting as your personal font!

Hulu.com (free)The hottest concept in free tech right now is watching full-length TV shows and movies over the net, legally — and the best site to do this on is Hulu.com. NBC has done it right with a library of TV shows, as well as movies, that spans over 50 different content providers, allowing you to pretty much find constant entertainment for anyone in the family. You'll be impressed with the easy-to-use search interface, incredibly fast load times of the shows and lovely video quality. Best of all, the shows have fewer ads then the original airing and using it is free!