Where in the World is Matt Lauer? Guess!

He tangoed in Buenos Aires and tip-toed through the tulip fields of Holland before heading to Laos.  Do you think you know where Matt's going next?  We've got two clues for you ...


He tangoed in Buenos Aires and tip-toed through the tulip fields of Holland before heading to Laos.  Do you think you know where Matt's going next? Below are two clues. Send in your guess and a question for Matt. If you're correct (and quick!), we may ask Matt your question on Wednesday's show.

Clue 1: So the prime rate you guessed, the red lights you saw through. The anagram even proved easy to chew. In this place you can rock and there's one heck of a mall. With a turn of the head, different continents call.

Clue 2:  Where in the world is this photo from?

Murad Sezer / AP

If you guessed Istanbul, you're right!