Keep your holiday party portions in check

Appetizer trays, dessert plates, free cocktails... don't get carried away on the holiday party circuit this year! Women’s Health contributor Devin Alexander gives smart tips to prevent the pounds from piling on.


'Tis the belt-loosening season — that time of year when holiday parties are more abundant than Diddy's bling.

But if you don't watch your mouth while you're working the party circuit, you can consume hundreds of additional calories a day — enough to add five pounds to your booty just in time for your New Year's resolutions.

Why do we tend to overeat during the holidays? According to psychologists at the University of Toronto, regardless of how hungry we are, social cues dictate our food intake — which is usually too much. People eat more when they’re with a group — even in groups as small as two, people can eat as much as 30 to 50% more than when eating alone.

But since no one likes to miss out on a great holiday bash, here’s the lowdown on how to control your portion sizes and prevent a food overdose without surrendering your holiday favorites.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Never go to a party hungry
  • Bring something with you (that is a healthier dish and something everyone can enjoy)
  • “Cheat” wisely
  • Beverages count
  • If you’re the host or hostess plan for a couple of healthier options

Most importantly, know how many calories and fat are in typical holiday party fare and choose wisely:

Passed appetizer plate 1 pig in a blanket: 108 calories, 6.5 g fat1 mini-quiche: 102 calories, 8 g fat1 spanakopita: 80 calories, 4 g fat1 mini-crab cake (no sauce): 113 calories, 7 g fat1 piece chicken satay with peanut sauce: 98 calories, 6.5 g fatTotal for 5 pieces: 501 calories, 32 g fat

What to eat?  
Chicken satay or any other grilled meats are good, just go extra light on the sauce. Freshly made pizza without a lot of cheese, meaty toppings or pesto can be good choices, too. Tuna tartare is a great option but if it’s served on a fried wonton or chip, avoid the chip!

Cold appetizer plate:
2 crackers (buttery), two 1-inch cubes of brie, two ¼-inch thick slices pepperoni: 202 calories, 16 g fat5 carrot sticks or baby carrots, 5 celery sticks, 3 Tbsp. creamy dip: 291 calories, 27 g fatSmall handful (1/4 cup mixed sweet spiced nuts): 329 calories, 24 g fatTotal for these few pick-ables: 822 calories, 67 g fat

What to eat? Look for shrimp cocktail. It’s super lean and low in fat if dipped in cocktail sauce. Look for a cold-cut tray and go directly for the turkey. Also, veggies are great. Just be sure to go extra-light on the dip.

Dessert plate: 1 small piece of fudge (1/48th of a 13x9 inch pan): 219 calories, 10 g fat1 iced cookie: 323 calories, 17 g fat1 cheesecake bit (2-inch square): 171 calories, 12 g fatTotal for 3 pieces: 713 calories, 39 g fat

Bottom line: It’s all about awareness and a pre-party strategy. 

  • Think of what a portion would be at a normal meal. Ideally, for meals, you want to eat a protein about the size of a deck of cards, about ½-1 cup of a whole grain carbohydrate or some fruit and plenty of veggies. If you want to make party food your dinner, keep that picture in your mind and try to stick to it.
  • If you’re eating before (highly recommended) or after the cocktail party, scope out the room. Pick the couple of things that you really love then have a couple of pieces. Don’t fill up or hit your daily intake.
  • One party, once during party season won’t hurt you. But if you’re going out on Friday and Saturday nights for 3 or 4 weeks straight and then eating holiday meals, it’s easy to gain 2-5 pounds. They say that’s the most common way people get into trouble. If you gain 2-5 pounds during every holiday season that you never lose, you’ve gained 10-25 pounds in 5 years and 20-50 in 10 years. 
  • If you know you’re going to indulge, commit to spending more time in the gym that morning then eat light foods with lots of fiber and lean protein. Fill up with veggies before you get to the party and save your calories splurging for the party. Then stop when you’re full.
  • It’s all about making conscious choices about what you choose to put in your mouth.  Then eating small portions of your favorites isn’t such a big deal.