Ellen apologizes to ‘Bachelor’ Brad Womack

After calling Brad a “jerk” on her show Wednesday for not picking either girl in the shocking season finale of the hit ABC show, DeGeneres met with Womack face-to-face to apologize.


Ellen DeGeneres continues to try and make nice with “The Bachelor” Brad Womack.

After the talk-show host called Brad a “jerk” on her show Wednesday for not picking either girl in the shocking season finale of the hit ABC show, DeGeneres met with Womack face-to-face to apologize.

Womack told his side of the shocking conclusion that left DeAnna Pappas and Jenni Croft Bachelor-less. He stressed his decision was extremely difficult and made out of respect for the two contestants.

“I did not take the easy way out,” he told DeGeneres. “In fact, I took the tough way out in order to show these women respect, in my opinion. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong.”

The biggest question of the hour was why Womack told Pappas the finale would be “a good day” for her. DeGeneres asked if he regretted telling Pappas this misleading information.

“I definitely regret that,” Womack told DeGeneres. “I don’t know if I got caught up in the moment. I don’t know if I was trying to comfort her. I bear the full brunt of responsibility for saying that. I do. She deserves someone to be straightforward and honest, which I thought I was. That’s one very, very bad decision of mine that I made.”

Though Womack regrets what he told DeAnna, he told DeGeneres he never asked that Pappas’ father be flown out. The arrival of Pappas’ father created false hope for DeAnna.

“What I did say is a proposal was such a big deal to me that a phone call was not sufficient, if and when that proposal would happen,” he said. “When it got to that day, I was informed that DeAnna’s father was flown out. I never one time asked for DeAnna’s father to be flown out. Never one single time.”

DeGeneres thanked Womack for coming on her show and sharing his side of the story.

“I really appreciate you coming here. I’m so sorry that I judged you because I didn’t know the full story,” she concluded.