Hayley Hasselhoff likes her body the way it is

Hayley joins “Access Hollywood’s ”body-image month and reveals her own past battles with weight.


On Monday, “Access Hollywood” brought you David and Hayley Hasselhoff’s first interview together. Today, Hayley joins our body-image month and reveals her own past battles with weight.

“I don’t know how you are a plus-size model because you really look not plus size,” “Access Hollywood’s” Nancy O’Dell told Hayley.

“I was a plus-size model. I was bigger then I am now but I have lost weight recently. I lost like 20 pounds or something like that,” she said.

The Hollywood spotlight is nothing new for 15-year-old Hayley, who at the age of two, started hanging out on the “Baywatch” set with her famous dad.

“Did you feel the pressures of Hollywood where everybody has got to be stick thin?” O’Dell asked.

“No I have always been up and down in my weight. It has always gone — I have been on diets. I have probably tried every diet since I was like 10,” Hayley replied. “So, I mean, I am not going to be a size 2 and I finally really looked at my body and I am comfortable with who I am.”

“Good for you,” O’Dell commended.

“I think that’s what plus-size models should be — you know, that is what they represent. They represent girls who are voluptuous and have beautiful bodies and who actually are confident,” Hayley added.

It is that confidence that’s launched Hayley as a successful plus-size Ford Model.

“What was your first reaction when you saw (the) beautiful pictures of your daughter?” Nancy asked David.

“That she has got it. You know you either have it or you don’t have it,” he said.

Haley’s captivating “it” factor earned her a contract with Torrid Plus-Sized fashions.

“She was so sincere to all the kids — every kid that walked up to her, every kid who had a dream she was sweet to, you know,” her dad said.

“It is equal. It is not like you should put somebody on a pedestal because they are a model. It is not like I look at myself different then anybody else. I don’t look at myself different then a homeless person. You treat them with the same respect,” Hayley said.

“Of course you do and that is why… that is one of the reasons I think you are successful,” her dad added.