Family films offer bees, chipmunks and magic

A magic toy shop? Bees who talk? Singing chipmunks? Yes, parents, all of these films are in your future, and your little ones will probably want some of that accompanying merchandise come holiday season.


A magic toy shop? Bees who talk? Singing chipmunks? Yes, parents, all of these films are in your future, and your little ones will probably want some of that accompanying merchandise come holiday season. And moms, if you have teenage girls, well than you both can swoon over Patrick “McDreamy” Dempsey, who stars in the fractured fairytale “Enchanted.” Just cause they’re kids’ movies, doesn’t necessarily mean adults won’t be entertained.

“Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium”
Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman, Jason Bateman, Zach MillsDirector: Zach HelmStory: Molly Mahoney (Portman) plays the insecure manager of a magical toy store. When her 243-year-old boss, Mr. Magorium (Hoffman), decides to retire, he gives her the store. A buttoned-up accountant (Bateman) doesn’t believe the store is magic. Little does he realize that the Emporium makes its hurt feelings known to those who don’t believe. Buzz: There is something fantastic and very “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” about the story. However, realize going in that Hoffman speaks with a lisp throughout. He told Entertainment Weekly that he modeled his character’s speech pattern on an ostrich. Uh-oh. There’s no doubt that Hoffman’s a legendary actor, but his potential to go completely over the top here may ultimately be too distracting — except for little kids. Helm (who wrote “Stranger Than Fiction”) makes his directorial debut.Web site: Release date: Nov. 16

Bee Movie
Alvin and the Chipmunks
The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep
Thomas Kinkade's The Christmas Cottage