Nicole and Tommy

Detroit, Michigan


About the bride: Nicole Dent is 27 years old. She works in the Healthcare industry.

About the groom: Tommy Duncan is 27 years old.  He owns two restaurants.

Time together: 3 years Engagement date: May 13, 2007 Why he's the one: “He's just an amazing person.  The most important thing is that he is so open.  He trusts me.  He lets me be who I wanna be.  The time we spend together is the most amazing time.  It's like we were meant to be together.”  

Why she's the one: “I just love Nicole.  Everything about her.  Since the first day that I met her, just fell in love with her.” Their story: It was love at first sight for Tommy, but it took Nicole a while to realize her prince had come. Tommy and Nicole met in college, but they never dated. Nicole’s friend had her eyes on Tommy, but unbeknownst to Nicole, it was Nicole Tommy had his eyes on.

Tommy tried numerous ways to let Nicole know he was interested but she enjoyed his friendship while she was busy with other boyfriends. Years later, after college, Tommy heard from his mom that Nicole had broken up with her latest beau. She told Tommy where Nicole was working and Tommy went in for the kill. He took that opportunity to send Nicole some flowers with a simple message saying he hoped she was doing well. That started Nicole thinking about Tommy in a whole new way and their phone relationship began to blossom.  Nicole was living in Florida and Tommy in Michigan so they decided to meet in New York City over the July 4th weekend.  

There was no doubt in either’s mind where they needed to be and that was together.  Nicole packed up her things and moved to Detroit to take things with Tommy to the next level. After a few moths of settling into her new life with Tommy, her mom received some upsetting medical news and Nicole spent months traveling back and forth to Florida to be by her mom’s side.  Tommy accompanied her every single time and helped Nicole stay strong and positive.  Her mother is healthy and to this day Nicole appreciates how loving Tommy was during that hard time. 

Because of Nicole’s close relationship with her mom, Tommy knew he had to include her in the proposal.  He waited for Nicole’s mom to visit on Mother’s Day and at a dinner where both her mom and Tommy’s were present the ring was brought out on Nicole’s appetizer plate. That is when Tommy popped the question.   

Nicole knew saying yes to Tommy’s proposal was the only answer and she could not wait to spend the rest of her life with him.