Anna Nicole on ‘10 different medications’

Anna Nicole Smith had 10 different medications at her bedside table in the run up to her death, MSNBC reported Sunday.


Anna Nicole Smith had 10 different medications at her bedside table in the run up to her death, MSNBC reported Sunday.

Correspondent Rita Cosby claimed that the model, who passed away Thursday in Hollywood, Fla., was taking the 10 different types of medications for post-surgery pain.

Cosby also reported that Anna Nicole had recently had two breast surgeries to correct a problem caused by an earlier surgery.

Sources told MSNBC that Anna Nicole may have been using too many medicines in an "improper mix," which may have contributed to her death. They noted Smith may have developed a tolerance to some of the medications she was taking.

Additionally, "like her idol Marilyn Monroe," Cosby claimed Anna Nicole was found nude, with a sheet pulled over her head. MSNBC also noted what was revealed first on Access Hollywood, that there were signs of vomiting around the star.