Games and toys for the whole family

Spending time playing together can bring parents and their children closer. Stephanie Oppenheim, a show contributor, suggests toys for any age child.


On our final segment of “Today’s Holiday Toys” series, we take a look at toys and games that parents and children can play together. Stephanie Oppenheim, a “Today” contributor and co-author of the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio, was invited on the show to tell us about the season’s top picks for games that help foster meaningful connections between parents and their kids. Check out Oppenheim’s suggestions:

One of the best parts of being a parent, is playing with your kids! Without taking over, adults can help kids get started and be there as “consultants,” giving kids strategies for working in an orderly fashion. Making time to do such things together gives you a chance to play and experiment together — a chance to solve problems, think creatively, and even have fun learning together.

Here are some of our favorites for each age group: 

Infants and toddlers
Cuddle Pups Puppets

Toss the Taggies 

Lamaze Clap with Me Monkey

Pre-school and early school
Floor Standing Puppet Theater

Center Stage Puppets

Early school, tweens, and teens
GamesTea Party Game

Ugly Doll

Doodle Tales


You've Been Sentenced!

The Very Books Block Puzzle

Egyptology Puzzle

CraftsFoam Gliders

Leg Warminators

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