Brad Pitt misses kids at ‘Babel’ premiere

Brad Pitt flew halfway around the world to attend the Hollywood premiere of his new film; it meant a 20 hour flight and leaving Angelina Jolie and their three children in India.


It’s never easy to leave your family to go on a business trip, but for Brad Pitt, who flew halfway around the world to attend the Hollywood premiere of his new film, “Babel,” it meant a 20 hour flight and leaving Angelina Jolie and their three children in India.Billy Bush spoke with Brad at Sunday night’s premiere.

“It must be hard leaving the family behind, is it?” Billy asked Pitt.

“It’s a little tough,” the actor responded. “But I’m heading back tomorrow.”

There was no question when the man of the hour arrived to the premiere, as the fans, some of whom had waited for hours, went crazy. To their delight, Brad immediately waded into the crowd to sign autographs, take pictures, and give out a few hugs.

After working the crowd for a few minutes, Brad posed for screaming photographers. At one point, the blinding camera flashes were too much for Brad, who tried to shield his eyes.

As Brad worked the red carpet, 7,980 miles away in New Delhi, India, Angelina sat on a dirt floor surrounded by singing students, as she and son Maddox visited refugees as U.N. Goodwill Ambassadors.

Back at the premiere, Brad also made it known that he supports Madonna’s recent adoption of a 13 month old from Africa.

“…the most important thing is that their intentions are right,” he said. “They are trying to give a kid a home and an education who probably wouldn’t get that and good health care… their hearts are in the right place and they will know what to do.”