Viewer e-mails about this special report

We received an overwhelming response on the 'Praetor' series. Read a sampling, below.


E-mails before the Fall episodes air

Bring back to catch a predator.Very compelling TV --"Blue storm"

Thank you very much for coming into our neighborhood and setting up a STING that busted those predators. I literally live just down the road from where you had rented the house in Fortson. I have a daughter who will 15 the day after you air the show in which you filmed here locally. She and I will sit down and watch it together. Please keep up the great work. --Anna W.,  Fortson, Ga.

The work you’ve done with sexual predators is commendable. I’m 53 now, but I was abused sexually for four years as a child. Get this men off the streets. If you can save one child from a story like mine, it all is worth it… --Laurie S.

I praise you Chris for what you are doing. My daughter was sexually abused by a family member and it has changed our lives forever. In my opinion you are saving alot of kids from abuse they should never have to go through. Thank you for taking a stand, and for trying to make the world a safer place for our kids. --Christi, Shepherdsville, Ky.

Someone should take up your program on catching predators and do it as a nightly show. They need to be gotten off the streets...and hung or drawn and quartered or something equally as painful. I was sexually abused from birth to age 18, when I got married. He is still alive and has ruined many, many lives. I think the victim/s should get to choose the punishment and if they are released and do it again, both he and the judge who released him should be imprisoned for life, with no possibility of parole.  --Vickie L. Lytle, Ga.

I  cant get enough of this predator reports i did miss some of the shows and wondering is it coming back this fall and any chance of re showing the shows from 2004 and 2005... --Ann W. and Peter H., Houston & Philadelphia

Reactions to the episode in Ft. Myers, Fla.

The guy trying to hide his face was downright funny. He should be ashamed. Catching people like him should happen more often. It's also interesting to know that since so many are caught, how many are not caught? This problem is more common than people may think. Hopefully it will encourage those whose have this problem to get the help they need. -Anonymous

I think your predator show is excellant. One man caught in your sting mentioned "role playing" online in a chat room and there is truth to that statement although he was lying through his teeth about his reasons for being at the house. Online is a place where many role play and feel that it's morally okay. It's when role playing crosses the line and becomes reality that crimes are committed! --Angel, Fla.

Your show is great, stopping these predators & putting them on national TV. Maybe, just maybe they'll finally get the idea. But the cops! Why do they have to tackle and throw people to the ground?  I'm all for the arrest,without a doubt. Any way, I applaud you folks, for a great job, any any child that you saved from these bums. --Dennis Zdrojkowski, Penn Hills, Pennsylvania

Thank you for doing these great shows! I am utterly disgusted by the vile human beings that show up. What absolutely galls me is their glibness and readiness with excuses and their arrogance in stating that they've done nothing wrong. Do they think that we are all so stupid as to think that they would show up with liquor and condoms after stating their intentions clearly in their on-screen chats and then we should believe their "new" version of events-that they are really there to "talk" with the child and "help" warn the child?? Plus, I sense a great degree of arrogance in their statements of "I've done nothing wrong-I'll sue NBC". How disgusting that America (which was once a great country) is now such a litigious place. Those scumbags deserve to go to jail and have to work hard labor. --Monica, Los Angeles

Okay, so reality shows sell for big buck but this one is worth it. Think about it and all the good it would do, every week a new show, new town, new state and new predators pick up and charged. Let every predator think in their little mind that the next one might be Dateline's New Reality Bust (go crawl under a rock and die you freek). Ok so you will need to change that last part but the show has some potential. Keep it up and I look forward to seeing more shows. --
Scot Holland, Los Angeles, Calif.

Dateline you are taking advantage of the male mindset. You are trapping an animal acting on basic instincts that would have otherwise not have been tempted. I think you pull some respectful people who would otherwise be innocent into traps. Words are powerful: online as well as in the context of persuasion. Some of your so called preditors are victims of a very persuasive person that does not represent reality. It is this false reality that makes criminals of us all. We should all be ashamed of what we have become. --Jordan, Wash.

I am very concerned about the predator in Florida who brought his 5 year old son to the "date." Does Florida have a mandatory reporting law? If so,did anyone involved in the sting report this man to Child Protective Services?  --Laurie Dominici, Bakersfield, California

Regarding "entrapment" vs. "enticement": These men may have been invited or solicited, but they chose of their own free will to go forward with it, climb into their cars, and drive to the house. Some of them drove for over an hour! Walking into that house wasn't an impulsive or immediate act. NBC might have their own selfish motives for setting up this show, but the men walking into this trap ARE NOT INNOCENT. If you arrange a sexual encounter with a minor and then go to the agreed location then you have declared your intent. --Brian, Los Angeles

Hi Chris, I've seen some criticism saying that you are going too far in your investigations luring and trapping potential predators. I say you are doing a fine job and a fine service. I think it's priceless when you walk in the room and they just sit down and talk with you so matter-of-factly about what their intentions were. Keep it up please! Also, kudos to law enforcement and Perverted Justice for their work. --Matt, Phoenix, Ariz.

I want to thank you for airing the "To Catch a Predator." As I watched it I know what was coming from watching other shows, but when you showed the segment about the father bringing his own child with him, I was appauled, and sickened. How stupid can a father be to bring his own child, to be a witness to this horrible act. It brought tears to my eyes. Please continue to report on these people the hunt young kids down for sex. I do have one question. Haver you ever cuaght any women ??? --Lynne, Anchorage, Alaska

This series has really been hitting home for me. Though I wish it had been done earlier. My little brother (16) and several of his friends (ages 13-16) were approached online by a registered sex offender who "befriended" these boys and began sending expensive gifts to them. This all happened back in September or October and in November he made a play at the two youngest boys. Thankfully before anything could happen to these kids he was caught with another boy and locked up. I had read and heard about sexual predators but I never thought that someone would go after my little brother. Every time that I see that you are having another story I tell my family and friends to watch. Keep up the good work!! --Sarah S., Alaska

I am sorry that this question even has to come out. But, I wonder while watching this episode, if some of the men were retarded, drug induced impaired, or just plain sick in the head. If retarded, is there any hope for them in Fla.? I am a concerned citizen and an advocate for children. I want all children to be as safe as mine. I do not condone nor would I ever dream of promoting men/women who would solicit young teens/children for any kind of sexual act, online or in person. It's not only immoral, but illegal and perverted. If the men in the program are drugged up (as some brought drugs), will they have charges stemming also from that chat log? I do worry though, if some men are retarded, if they will receive help or individual counseling as perscribed by laws governing the mentally deficient.  --jreuab, Leaving blank, Calif.

Reactions to the Ohio installment

This is the reason that gives me faith in the media again. Please continue to conduct investigations into the dregs of society. It will take your help as well as the help of every American. Each small victory helps win the war. --Drew Tallberg, San Diego

It seems logical that some kind of sting operation like this should be part of every police force in the country on a ongoing basis.--Kathleen McCarron, Mobile, Ala.

Dateline, I thank you and your entire staff for all the hard work you have done on this "catching internet predators", thank you for exposing this problem to society not only are predators are out there in high record numbers, they are willing to stop at nothing and sacrifice everything for a demented pleasure. I only hope that the justice system doesn't fail us now how . --L.G., North Platte, Neb.

A very eye opening. I congratulate you and the people of for your efforts. I live in a small town and thought the relative isolation would shield us from this ... I had no idea that someone would actually drive 100, 200 or more miles. --Bob Petrillo, Lanesboro, Minn.

Excellent work ! I retired after years of supervising a sex crimes unit with our local police department and I can't begin to tell you how strapped most police departments are. Most are not afforded the luxury (bad word choice, I know) of spending time trying to corral these guys.--Sgt. Michael Schiltz (ret'd), Duluth, Minn.

I think you guys are doing a great job, but I don't think that you should just target men. I believe there are some women out there that are doing the same thing. It should go both ways. Thanks. --Katrina Jones, Ewa Beach, Hawaii

It makes me feel really good to know that people actually care about this situation. I'm 22 now, and I was about 12 when my family got our first computer. Chat rooms were getting very popular at the time and I don't know how many time I was asked to tell the size of my breast or show them somthing. I was disgusted even then. And I'm more digusted now to see that some people are still that stupid even after they've seen your show. Thank you so much for doing this, I know it would have been helpfull when I was young, but luckly I new better. --Sarah Hernandez

Thank you for getting these creeps off the streets. These men are making themselves look like victims, when the only victims could be our children. --Marty Albo, Columbus ,Ohio

It is amazing just how far reaching this epidemic is. We need more investagations on this problem and far, far more investiators to get these pedophiles off the internet. I have 3 daughters and if I found this happening to them I would hope there would be someone out there to catch the predator. We have enough to worry about with our children it seems every day something else crops up. These people are sick and nasty and should be put in prison even though the chances of rehabilitation are remote, keep them away from our children.I appreciate Dateline doing these segments. Do more!!! --Billie Hartung, Montana

I am so glad you are doing this. These people must be caught and brought to justice. It is just appalling at the number of child sexual predators that are out there and in every class of people. If only there was something like this (sting operation) when I was young perhaps myself and many of my female and male relatives, victims of child sexual abuse; would have been spared the continual damage of what child molestation can do to a person. Thank you again, you have literally spared many young lives. May God bless richly bless you and may we see the day when we will not fear nor see not speak of this evil toward our children again. --CeCe VanHardenberg, Rio Rancho, New Mexico

The problem of online predators will never be solved as long as there are teenagers who are willing to meet strangers on the Internet. Obviously the problem of sexual predators is huge, and is disturbing to say the least. But shouldn't some responsiblity land on the children who agree to meet a stranger in person? These children are victims, yes, but are not entirely blameless. Sexual predators are never going to stop soliciting children. The only way to stop victimization is to teach children that it is their own responsibility to stay safe online and that it is their own actions to lead to this abuse. --Holly Kojis, Vancouver, Wash.

Dear Dateline, Thank you so much for these insightful programs! I have been talking to my two teenage daughters for months about the dangers on talking to strangers online. I had even started printing out your articles from the Internet for them to read. They kept saying "Oh Mom, grown men would never talk that way to girls our age, etc. When your show aired last night (4/26) my girls were in the room with me and I told them it would be good if we watched it together. Boy, did it ever open their eyes! I couldn't have been more pleased. I guess that's what it took for them to realize that mom may have been right. They thought those men were disgusting. I could tell by their reaction to the the program that they will think long and hard before responding to strangers online. Thanks again for a job well done, and I hope that more parents will watch this with their children. Sometimes it takes someone on the outside for then to really get it! --Kim W., Strasburg, Virginia

I can't seem to form the words to tell you how disgusted and angered I am by this epidemic. As a single young woman I now understand why it is such a hard time finding a decent man nowadays...they are all searching for our children, not a satisfying relationship with a peer. These men disgust me. Has anyone thought of software that can stop these conversations when key words or phrases are entered? We can do so much now with modern technology.... --Tanieka Watts, Las Vegas, Nevada

From teens who watched the report
As a teen that is online alot, your show really hit home to me. I use to have a My Space account and go into chat rooms all the time. My parents had warned me not to, but its not like anything bad would happen to ME. After watching your show it totaly changed my outlook. Thankz  --Kelly T., Sanbornville, N.H.

I really liked learned a lot about online sex predators when watching this a few nights ago. I know so many kids at my school, INCLUDING MYSELF use myspace and I never really knew how dangerous it could be, but I think if they don't put their last name, address and phone number on the site, they might be out of harms way. I just couldn't believe the occupations of a lot of the predators and like when they're on parole or have been in jail for commiting sex offences's crazy!!!! Like I said I learned a lot from the show. Good luck finding more offenders. --Sarah, Derry, N.H.

I want to say THANK YOU to all, I live right here down the street from that parking lot they took all those sick men. I have a 14 year child that goes to high school and a 5 year old right here, I made her watch it with me. She has a I watch here on it, I have one to be able to go on hers, but to think very 5 is being it on makes me MAD. The laws for this need to be harder, NO DEALS, NO WALKING AWAY with nothing being done. We as parents need to wake-up. It's right here, and it's not going away. We need to listen to all of our kids -- they are only kids they need adults to watch out for them and there safety. We all are so busy running around we need to stop and get to know the people that our kids are with each day. as parents need to watch our kids not leave it up to Ipods, Computers, or IM to friends,, party lines, or anything else we need to be there. --Tiffany F., Calif.

u know wat u guys are really getting on our nerves about yall talkin bout our myspace u nedd 2 stay out y do u think they call it "myspace" that means it iz our space not datelines space or yall buisness this iz our chance 2 find new friends and dont evn say that there can b sex affenders be cuz i think we teens are smart enough 2 notice wen sum 1 iz talkin the wrong way so jus stop with this story or if u want u can talk 2 the teens on myspace and c wat their opinion iz ok c ya --Josh L., Las Vegas

Thank you for your investigation of Predators on Dateline. I myself am a teenager and have a myspace. You have given me many ideas to protect myself. I have deleted all my personal information and blocked anybody who wasnt my friend from viewing my profile. I have told all my friends, teachers, and family about this Dateline report and many of them are planning to watch the rerun on MSNBC. Thank you for all you've done to give advice and protect us. God Bless. --Jaimie Z, West Melbourne, Fla.

People are pointing fingers, but the truth is these teens are making conscious decisions. I mean, come on, how stupid do you have to be to but your address up on one of these sites, and why would you post provocative pictures? You are only inviting them. Adults act as if its all the predator's fault. Boohoo! Your child was stupid enough to release information about themselves and not even think about the consequences. I have a profile on MySpace, but I also think its overrated. Believe me, I've been there in a hotel room at a school function while girls from my group are taking wild pictures to look sexy, For Myspace!! How foolish. Very few things told to a human affects them, and do you really think half of your children are going to listen to you? They only care about the way other people look at them.  --Paula, a small town, Texas

From people who say they know individuals in the report
Thank you, thank you, thank you Chris. Imagine my horror when I saw the man I was dating being arrested at your to catch a predator in So. California. I still can't believe it. I immediately cut all ties with him, and sent him a rather unpleasant email. I am very thankful that I found out what a sick, perverted man he is before the relationship became serious. These pedophiles must learn that there are serious consequences to trying to have sex with underage children. These men are sick and we all know that very few can be rehabilitated. What is really horrible is that these men lead two different lives and that no one would ever suspect them of being a predator. Thank you again - who would have ever thought. --Rebecca

My uncle was one of the predators exposed on your show last night. My family is absolutely horrified and devastated. I am so thankful for you and the many others who are out to catch these men. We had no idea of what Bobby was into but now, we hope, he will get the help he needs. I have watched past investigations and was sure all of these men were sick and insane. We know Bobby and love him very much and know that he is not insane, but how did we not know that he was a sexual predator? We will continue to love him and pray for him about this addiction, will he go to jail now? That is where he should be after all. I just don't know how long he will last in there. Thank you again for exposing the truth. --Anonymous

I'm a Riverside County native who happened to hear about this particular show. I was contacted by several of my friends from back home and informed that my "high school sweetheart" had been featured and arrested during the broadcast. While we did not remain friends, I found this news VERY hard to believe. How could someone I was so close to and someone I trusted do something like this? But, I was deeply disturbed when I read some of the transcript and watched a few of the video clips...not only was he there, but he was using the same screen name he had all through high school to solicit minors in the area where he was well known (many of us have siblings the same age as the decoy). I just wanted to warn all of the people who read this (after taking the longest shower of my life and brushing my teeth 5 or 6 times) that these people really can be ANYONE. --Nathalie, Temple, Texas

Chris, What are the odds, after watching your report, I found out that, not only does my daughter attend the school that the math teacher works at, but another man is a vendor for the company that I work for. It's a scary world when you see one person [in the report] who touches my life on a daily basis, but it is downright obsene that two people in my life would be caught up in the same lifestyle. Thanks for bringing these sick & perverted individuals out into the light so our children might be safer. --Chris M., LaVerne,California

Its unbelieveable people would do something like this (want to have sex with a kid). However I do have big problems with the whole situation. This IS entrapment, whether you believe it or not. Even if California does have some law, that does not make it right. You are ruining the lives of all these people who may have never did this otherwise. You are also promoting this, because people will get the idea that this happens so much that they will go out and do it themselves. The couple of guys whom you said came back after even having seen your show, is proof of that. --Anonymous

Dear Mr. Hansen, i think you are very much a vigilante. These guys are sick. They way you try to punish them, who gave you the right to play god? I don't know what the solution is. But this is a very serious problem. I think it is entrapment. These predators couldnt 'seduce' someone , if that someone wasnt online to begin with. You're taking a very good guy, bad guy, old west approach and it will backfire. I think you should look at your own wrongdoings, stop playing god. Some of these guys, i am glad you got, they are well deserving of prison. I think some of these guys need help, rehabilitation. I think you are ruining these guys. --Mary Stevens P., Los Angeles

People from all walks of life fell for your jail bait sting and far too many first time offenders were among the arrested, making the fantasy of illegal sex all pervasive in our society. The state of Califonria has a three strikes law. Yet a single conviction pairs a sex crime felon in prison with hardened violent criminals and murderers, which is a draconian criminal injustice in and of itself. I can understand throwing the book at repeat offenders, but they were in the minority. I always thought the media was as evil and sick as the criminals in our midst. And now I am totally convinced. You are not a solution. You are part of the problem. In doing this it creates and invites crime in order to make news for the show. And that in my mind is a crime just as bad as illegal underage sex. To bring out the worst in people doesn't fix the problem. Shame on you! --Henry F., Los Angeles, Calif. (edited)

It might pass the "entrapment" test, but to the best of my knowledge this is not a country that acts on what MIGHT happen. There was no underage child in the house, and no contact whatsoever was made between the "predator" and the fantasy "victim". As much as I despise that pedophiles exist, the laws of this country are not there to assume what might take place. Even people who attempt to hire hitmen to murder someone can't be touched until the money exchanges hands.  I only watched the second half of this latest sting operation, and none of the previous shows on the subject. I'm not sure which part of the broadcast is the hardest for me to handle: the creeps who enter the house or the thought that we will soon be held criminally responsible for what someone, anyone, decides we might do one day. --Rosann J., Bellevue, Wa. (edited)

Thank yous
We love and respect Chris Hansen, his crew, and Stone Philips. It was hard to imagine the cops catching so many of those sickos in a couple of days. And the sex offenders who were still operating among the public, is hard to fathom. Thanks. We are waiting for Predator IV. --Suzette Lee, San Antonio, Texas

I truly appreciate your dedication to do this kind of work you did in catching these disturbed individuals. I think it would be great to do a follow up episode to find out what really happened to these men. It would be a good way to send a message out to those men who are still hurting our children on the Internet and even those men who are abusing in their own home, with children they live with. I hope you continue re-airing the show so we can continue sending the message out that sex/molestation with a minor in this country is a serious matter with consequenses. --Alicia, Southern California

I want to thank you for your Internet predator investigation. I watched it along side my 3 children 10, 12, 14. Your show allowed them to see what could happen and who might really be on the other side. It made for great questions, comments, and answers. Now they know that this is real and not just mom nagging. Thank you again. --Michelle French, Dubuque, Iowa

Kudos to Chris! What an excellent 2 hours of busting these snapperheads! If volunteers in Tucson can rally together to protect US/Mexican borders, why can't citizens rally together for community watch programs similar to your investigation? Families, parents, adults would be willing to volunteer to snag these twisted squirrels and get them thrown in the clink ASAP! Our family watched all of these specials and coached friends and family to watch as well. Mr. Hansen did a GREAT JOB! We all felt the adrenalin rush each time Chris appeared in the kitchen.  --Cari Lowry, Cary, N.C.

Chris, I am a single mother of two girls ages 9 and 12 and happen to see the show on "catching internet predators." I wanted to write to say thank you. It wasn't until last night that i learned that BOTH my children had profiles on "my space". I usually have close tabs on where my girls are online but that one some how snuck by. After watching the show WITH my children, we deleted their profiles from that Web site and we had a long conversations about the kind of things that can happen online. I have seen the shows you have done before on the same thing and i would be very interested to see you do one here in NH. I have always tried to warn my children about the kind of people that are online but you can never be to safe. Thank you again!!! --Kelly

Thank you for validating what my husband and I have been trying to get through to our 9th grade triplet daughters. What overwhelming proof that not only are predators are out there in record numbers, they are willing to stop at nothing to reach their victims. Our daughters thought we were over reacting when we made them cancel their "My Space" accounts last month! As disturbing as the content was, I watched every minute of your special last night, and taped it for mandatory family viewing! --Libby Starnes, Severna Park, Md.

I think this abhorrent behavior of human relationships is as old as the race itself. I was a lucky child where the conversations in my home growing up were very open and not subject to censorship. We could tell our parents practically anything and felt free to question them about whatever concerned us. Even with that healthy environment I now think back to around 4th or 5th grade (pre-cyberspace) when my neighborhood friends started talking about a "weird old guy" that had a lot of dirty books and showed them to kids. A friend and I took it upon ourselves to "spy" on this man, several times and even though we never made contact with him, we found it absolutely thrilling and never thought it was dangerous. The saddest thing about this story is I never told my parents and I had every opportunity to do so. I knew the man was a "bad" guy and I never spoke up. Now I wonder why I didn't and how many children he could have hurt. My point in telling this is with the Internet unregulated by parents the potential child thrill seeker, as I was, is greatly manifested. Children are just naturally curious and to have this much power at their fingertips is so incredible. I am the mother of four children and I do not think any parent can be too diligent, the cyberspace world is another end of the age of innocence. --California

Chris, my husband and I watched with interest and disgust the first two reports aired on Dateline. The second one, we had our 15 year old daughter watch with us. She's been wanting to do the thing and we've been hesitant - now she knows why! We watched last night with our 13 year old son and talked about predators being people kids know - teachers, etc. Unfortunately, our son went to bed before he got to see my uncle processing the man whose victim you talked to! Thank you and good job on the investigation - keep up the good work! Be assured, I'll be sending a note to my uncle and the group he worked with! --Liz

It would be interesting for Dateline to do a show that follows up on those that were arrested on your recent episode. I would like to know what each was charged with, if they were found guilty of the charges, and what their sentences were. It is disturbing to know that some of these predators had current criminal activity, yet were still on the street, and not locked up as they should be. --Jane, Indianapolis, Ind.

As a former social services investigator involved in the investigation and prosecution of sexual predators, your "To Catch a Predator" segments have been instrumental in making the general public aware of the real danger these 'men' pose to our children. Hats off to law enforcement in Southern California for taking the next step and getting these guys off the street. Keep up the good work! --Jon, Upstate, N.Y.

After watching your first two specials I realized how dangerous it is on the Internet. Before watching your program I used give my first name email address to anyone but now I am a little more cautious. Thank you and keep up the good work! --Anonymous

I am a person who has never written any letter to any media, whether it be newspaper of television.... i must commend you on your work with 'To Catch a Predator'... in a sea of mundane and disgraceful 'real tv': it is good to see a newsmagazine exposing predators who prey on children, you could even create a whole new show on this... keeping these creeps off the streets will ultimately save many children from being harmed, or potentially killed... keep it up... --Shaun J. Auger, Montreal, Quebec

Chris, Are you shocked that predators are rabbi's, teacher's and doctor's, not just thugs? Don't know why that I am.. I guess I am trusting of most all people. Thank You for opening my eyes. Thank You for exposing this problem. Parents need to be aware. I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 5 month old. It makes me ill to think someone would and could  violate them.. Thank You Again!!I can't wait to see next weeks report..Keep up the good work. --Amy Cuttino

Dateline, I commend the excellent work your staff is doing and although you may not haven achieved your goals to communicate the message to individuals who obviously are sick and need therapy; you certainly open the door so our children and we parents can alert them of the garbage they can encounter through the Internet. My husband and I thank your entire staff for all the hard work and may God bless you all. --W. Fernandez

I know first hand how sad and scary this report is. This is when I was 16 and chatting just like children today, men of ages I didn’t know existed asked me to meet them. Lucky I was smart enough not to - but not all minors are that smart. Keep up the good work, you’ll catch those predators everywhere. This one was going to travel two  hours to meet me; sad, really sad. it makes me want to cry...—Lee Brown, Santa Clara, Calif.

Thank you so much for making a difference in the perverted worlds of these sex offenders. I was amazed to learn of the quantity that exists in my home of Southern California, and I am proud of the proactive efforts of people/organizations like yourselves who want to make a difference. —Jennifer, Alta Loma, Calif.

I applaud every person who played a part in catching the predators and locking them up. A man who is involved in such an awful crime is not a man. We are here to protect children not to distroy them.I thank all of you and bless you. From a mom and now a grandmother. —Sharon R., Bethel, Pa.

Chris Hansen, I just wanted to tell you that you did a great job, I have to say I was glad to see all those men arrested. Pulled a heart string I guess being a victim of child molestation myself. I thought the way you caught them all off guard was great, and your combacks to their responses was genius. — Anonymous, Ohio

Hi, Chris: Nice work. I have been evaluating and “treating”  sex offenders for nearly 30 years. As you found out, most of them look nothing like a perp and it’s easy to ease-off on them. I always look at them and ask myself how their victims saw them. It keeps it in perspective. Keep up the good work. —Steven Wolf, Ph.D., Richmond, Va.

That some of the men had seen previous editions of this program, and still showed up, was incredible to read. It is disturbing to read this and it makes me wonder how prevalent this sort of thing is, how often does it happen for real, in the US and in Canada as well. If the men did not even consider that this supposed face to face meeting with a minor - for sex of some sort - was not going to be real, and that they may be caught and charged for going to the address given by the person on the other end of the Internet connection, how often do they do this sort of thing for real? If it is that easy to catch Internet predators preying on minors for any sort of illegal purposes, why do the police departments in the US and Canada not do the same? —Deanne, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I feel that pedophiles are the worst type of sexual offender. They prey on the minds and egos of young children who are at the age that they feel they can “take care of themselves”. I thank goodness there was no Internet when I was a child. My interaction with adults then was damaging enough. —A. Goldman, Adger, Ala.

Mr. Hansen, Thank you so much for bringing this troubling issue to the forefront. For so long, the subject has been ignored and put into the ‘that will never happen to my child’ category. Most people do not believe the incredible number of predators out there, or how ‘normal’ they appear in public. By exposing these creeps, we can began to educate the public and and better protect our children. —Katherine, Bowie, Md.

I applaud you for this work that you do! These perverts should be exposed, they do not deserve any sympathy or privacy. Anyone that would prey upon children is an animal, and I believe it should be a capital offense. My own daughter was so traumatized when some pervert sent her a live feed of him “molesting” himself, that she will not even chat online anymore. That’s alright with me. —Theresa Jewell, Anderson, S.C.

It amazes me that these men actually keep showing up!!! Time after time! There really is no end to it. I have a friend who tells her chat rooms...ever! Can this be the only answer? Although, I did find myself playing dominos on Yahoo games, and my opponent asked if I minded if he played naked, and would I like to know what he looked like? I think I disappointed him by telling him I didn’t care what he looked like, dressed or undressed, and I only was there to play dominoes. He left the table shortly after that! They really are everywhere! –AG, Ala.

Chris, I am a single mother of two, they are ages are 10 and 11. I am soo glad you are doing these undercover investigations. They are really opening up our eyes to what happens in the Internet. This is why I do not allow my children or any child that comes into my house on the internet without vary close supervision. Please continue to do this. We as caregivers and role models need to thank you in depth to what you are doing. Continue your incredible work… God Bless You and yours. I would also like to know the Web site to see these horrific people that are steeling the youth and innocence from our children.—Tracy Ferguson, New Brighton, Minn.

Thank you, thank you, thank you... I am a probation officer, who supervises sex offenders in Rice County, MN. If you can stop just one Internet predator from molesting a child, you have done sooooooooooo much.—Scott Halvorson, Faribault, Minn.

Thank you so much for getting the facts out about these sick people. I have watched everyone of the shows about Internet predators. And I will continue to watch and let others know about your show.—Linda Stowe, Canon, Ga.

Chris, as a father of three young children, I sincerely thank you for the efforts you are making to help children be (if only a little) safer. This is courageous and the noblest of cause I have seen a journalist undertake in several years.—Michael Dragun, Stewartsville, N.J.

Your investigations are providing a huge service to the children and parents of this country by identifying pedophiles on the internet. Hopefully, Dateline will awaken the desire in parents to police their children’s computer usage in a more thoughtful manner.—Kathleen Gunnison

I am 49 years old, and married, and frankly I am shocked at some of the things I see routinely on the internet, and it’s not just in chat rooms either. I sometimes play games on Yahoo or and you wouldn’t believe the sexual advances and how they blatant they are, and this is a gaming Web site. Please continue to inform the public about this, and for God’s sake, if you have young children and teenagers in the house, make sure the computer is out in the open, instead of in their bedrooms behind closed good can come of that.—Michelle Gonzalez, Tampa, Fla.

I’m 56 and suffered a childhood of sexual abuse from my stepfather, as well as from a family friend and neighbor with my mother’s and stepfather’s “blessing.” The horror with which I viewed your report on sexual predators made me want to write to congratulate you on your incredible investigation. PLEASE keep reporting on this. For every stranger who performs these acts on children there is probably a parent, step-parent or family friend who does the same. Instead of hiding in shame and fear as I did, perhaps children will eventually begin to feel brave enough to report to authorities about these crimes themselves, both the online predators and the family ones. Maybe you will have scared some creeps into thinking twice about performing the crimes. Your report is done so well. It’s a comfort to someone like me who suffered for years in silence, to see some of the “bad guys” get what is coming to them. —J. Smith

As a single mother, life is tough enough!! The Internet is a wonderful place most of the time. It’s good to see that someone cares enough to try to keep things decent for our children. This is why my computer sits out in the living room, where I can see everything that goes on. I also let my children watch your program, to back me up when I tell them there are some really sick, twisted people in this world! —T.F., Grand Rapids, Mich.

The Dateline report took courage on the part of Chris Hansen and those who worked the assignment. We needed this eye opener. Many people are in complete denial in regard to sexual predators, they live in every state and every town. There are sexual predators who live in my town and continue to spend there idle time looking for victims. The parole/probation officers are overwhelmed with case loads and don’t know what the predator is doing. Any information you can bring to the public will allow people to open there eyes wide and take action. Also a good program would be one where children can learn defense, responses, and just how to run for help. Too many women, children are taken like a lamb for the slaughter. Thank You. —Jacqueline Poisson, Westerly Rhode Island