In their jeans: Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively channel Justin and Britney in matching denim

Ryan Reynolds has been tweeting up a storm in recent days, with fun memes, old photos and ... a gem of Photoshop trickery.


Ryan Reynolds has been tweeting up a storm in recent days, with fun memes, old photos and ... this little gem of Photoshop trickery:

For those who might not get the reference and are left wondering where Reynolds and his wife Blake Lively's fashion sense disappeared to, Reynolds has just pasted (fairly skillfully, we might add) the couple's heads on top of the bodies of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake.

The original photo made headlines in 2001, when the pop stars, who were dating at the time, wore the matching outfits to the American Music Awards.

Jazzin' for blue jeans: Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds; Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake.@VancityReynolds/Twitter. Getty

But that's not all worth noting from Reynolds' recent posts. A fan had tweeted a picture of himself meeting Reynolds at the Nickelodeon Studios way back when, and the star responded. (Reynolds appeared in Nick shows like "Fifteen" and "Hillside" as a kid.)

The future Green Lantern looks adorable ... and clearly has a flair for denim!

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