Can you pass the dot test? See if you can figure out the latest internet brainteaser

The latest visual puzzle involves finding letters hidden among dots of different colors. Can you pass the test?


The latest internet brainteaser will let you know just how well you can see different colors.

Can you pass the dot test?

Created by Playbuzz, the test features nine different sets of colored dots with a single letter hidden in each graphic.

DOT test brain / vision teaserAngela Argo /

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The letters are a slightly darker shade of the overall color of the grid, and the Playbuzz quiz gives you a choice of four different possibilities for which letter is hidden.

DOT test brain / vision teaserAngela Argo /

The brainteaser tests your ability to see different colors across the spectrum, leaving you alternately with a headache or thinking, "Oh, that's obvious," depending on how well you see a certain color.

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DOT test brain / vision teaserAngela Argo /

If you pass the test, a congratulatory message lets you know that "the fact that you were able to see all the letters across the spectrum proves that you have incredible vision and a particularly trained eye."

DOT test brain / vision teaserAngela Argo /

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Give up? The solutions for the colors shown here are F (red); yellow (E); green (X) and blue (H). You can take the full test at Playbuzz.

This latest brainteaser comes on the heels of another dot-related mind-bender from April, which asks you to find an image in a single red dot.

Leaving some people infuriated that it's just a dot and others squinting to make out the equine image inside, the visual puzzle was also cooked up by Playbuzz.

Follow writer Scott Stump on Twitter.