Find out which word people in your state have the hardest time spelling

What word has people in your state searching the most to try to spell correctly? Google has the answer.


You're better than that, Massachusetts.

Joining in the Scripps National Spelling Bee spirit, Google released a map showing the single word people in each of the 50 states have the hardest time spelling.

While words like "cancelled," "desert," "maintenance," and "pneumonia" flummoxed people in different states, Google found that the word the people of Massachusetts struggle the most to spell correctly is — wait for it — "Massachusetts."

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The data is based on Google searches that start with the phrase "how to spell" and then the word people are looking to get right.

The other state name people struggle with is "Hawaii." The spelling of the Aloha State is the most-searched word by people in Alaska, which officially joined the United States in the same year as Hawaii in 1959.

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As contestants in the Scripps National Spelling Bee grappled with words like Feldenkrais, gesellschaft and euchologion, people in Oklahoma, South Dakota and Michigan are trying to get the correct spelling of "gray."

Also, you wonder what may be in the water in Arizona and New Hampshire, where the most-searched misspelling is for "diarrhea."

Follow writer Scott Stump on Twitter.