See the epic 'Post-it war' between ad agencies come to a colorful end on TODAY

The colorful post-it war waged by two ad agencies on building windows in Manhattan came to an end with a colorful creation on TODAY.


A sticky war that has raged in New York City between a pair worthy adversaries for two weeks climaxed Wednesday on the colorful battlefield of Rockefeller Plaza.

New York advertising agencies Horizon Media and Havas Media have been trying to one-up each another for two weeks by sending messages and creating designs with colorful Post-it notes covering window fronts on buildings in lower Manhattan.

The creative window images have spawned the hashtags #CanalNotes and #PostItWars on social media as users watch them go back and forth. Other nearby businesses also got in on the act.

Since one of the building's landlords has mandated that all artwork has to come down at the end of the month, it appears the sticky war must come to an end.

RELATED: Want to get someone to do your bidding? Give a Post-it

Havas fired their final salvo first with a literal mic drop - an epic, eight-story image of a hand dropping a microphone on their building in lower Manhattan.

While a group from Havas was invited on TODAY but unable to make it, members of Horizon Media joined Dylan Dreyer to unveil their response. They created a colorful Post-it skyline of New York on the windows of the NBC Experience store across the street from Studio 1A.

"I know we're calling it a war, but I think everybody won in this situation,'' Molly Sugarman, vice president and managing director of Treehouse at Horizon Media, told Dreyer.

"That (Havas mic drop design) is obviously epic, and I think what we did here for you is equally as epic."

While all is now quiet on the Post-it war front after a cease-fire was declared, the battle will be back on in May of 2017.

"I think it's probably time for everyone to get back to our actual work, unfortunately,'' Sugarman said. "We're looking forward to pick this up next May."

Follow writer Scott Stump on Twitter.