Strangers who visited baby over texting mix-up appear on Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel had a few pointed questions for the hilarious pair, who shot to Internet fame after a texting mix-up over a baby announcement.


You must remember the couple who accidentally included a wrong number on a group text thread announcing their baby's birth — only to find that their mistaken recipient would come visit them.

And what's more, they arrived bearing gifts.

Well, that wrong number was owned by the now-famous duo of Dennis Williams and brother Deorick Williams, and they recently joined Jimmy Kimmel to tell the full version of their story via a live video stream. They explained everything from why they chose not to ignore that fateful text ("I couldn't help it"), to what it's really like to show up at a stranger's hospital room somewhat uninvited, to whether they'd be willing to baby-sit the couple's new addition.

But before they got to the fun stuff, Kimmel had a few pointed questions for the pair.

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"When you decided to go to the hospital, were you at all high?" Kimmel asked, soliciting laughs from the brothers and some decisive noes and shaking heads.

As for their confidence in showing up at a stranger's big day? The brothers claim they were given a bit of subtle encouragement: "I was like, just ask them for the room number, you know what I'm saying? If they send us the room number, then obviously they want us to come or whatever," Dennis Williams explained.

But believe it or not, they never held the baby.

RELATED: Sender beware: Most embarrassing texts sent to the wrong person

"The crazy thing about it is, we never actually got to see the baby," he said. "I guess it was in, like, the little room where the babies be or whatever. We thought it'd be weird if we be like, 'Hey, where's your guys' baby so we can take your baby to hold him?' We didn't ask about the baby or anything like that, we just gave them the gift."

Maybe they'll get to hold him soon enough, though. Kimmel asked the pair if they'd consider baby-sitting for the new parents.

"Most definitely," Deorick Williams immediately said.

The cheerful brothers seemed to have only one regret about the experience: not blurring out the phone number from texting screengrabs circulating on social media — resulting in a number of phone calls.

"If I have another kid, you guys are invited," said Kimmel. "I'll text you. I have the number you posted online."