Amazing bed automatically makes itself in less than 60 seconds

We know making the bed is good for us on a lot of levels, but what if we could get the bed to make itself?


By now we know that daily bed-making can change our lives — doing so is even endorsed by a Navy SEAL. (Though apparently the mites we live with also like it.) But what if we could get the bed to simply ... make itself?

Enter OHEA, a smart bed created by a Spanish company that does just that.

In a video demonstrating the product, a device attached to the bed pulls up the bedding and tucks it neatly under the pillows when you're ready to get out of bed.

"It’s a proven fact that for many people, making their bed after getting up can be a tiresome, even painful task; sometimes out of sheer habit, other times because one is in a hurry and lacks time," says the text on the company's website.

There are a few compromises, however. The duvet inserts and all your bedding (including sheets and pillowcases) you get in stores aren't made for this bed. You'll have to use the special ones the company plans to sell.

MORE: Scientists: To keep mites away, leave your bed unmade every day

Also, the gizmo is not currently available. The company's website hasn't been updated since 2012, when the product first made headlines. (It's currently being buzzed about again thanks to a recent Business Insider article.)

Want one of these beds? Dream on, for now.OHEAsmartbed/YouTube

MORE: Are your sheets getting in the way of your sleep? 9 truths about bedding

So for now, you'll just have to keep making the bed yourself, and at night dream about a better, made-bed tomorrow.

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