3 simple steps to improve your efficiency at work and in life

Work, life and family — that's quite a lot for even the most efficient and focused of the bunch.


Work, life and family — that's quite a lot for even the most efficient and focused of the bunch.

Although there may not be enough time in the day to accomplish it all, there are ways in which you can buy yourself a little more time.

Charles Duhigg, author of "Smarter, Faster, Better — The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business," shared three tips to help streamline the way we work and live.

1. Write a to-do list.

A to-do list can keep you organized and focused. Duhigg suggests writing out your biggest goals at the top of the page so that you don't lose sight of your most important aspirations. But be sure to list out those smaller goals, too. As Duhigg says, "Think small to achieve big."

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2. Help yourself stay motivated.

It's easy to keep your focus when tackling tasks you want to complete, but what about those you're not so excited about? Try not to look at your to-do list as a long list of chores. Instead, view it as a series of choices. Motivation is largely fueled by your attitude.

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3. Find your focus.

Decide how you want your day to unfold, and then picture yourself accomplishing this ideal vision. Create an image inside your head — and the more specific the image, the higher the probability it will actually occur.