Trendy? Classic? Made up? How did you choose your children's names?

When it comes to naming babies, the choices are endless. Take our surveys and let us know where your children's names came from.


Baby-name trends come in and out like fashion styles. Forty years ago, Sophia, Emma, Henry and Liam were considered grandparent names, not to be used for newborns. Now they're among the most popular parental choices. Cooper, Mason and Logan used to be thought of as last names only, but they're among the top first-name choices. And it'd be fun to go back in time and ask older generations what they think of "Game of Thrones" queenly title "Khaleesi" as a first name. (Thanks for that, George R.R. Martin.)

Baby names run the gamut from traditional to creative.Ramona Heim / Shutterstock / Ramona Heim

We want to know how your baby names came to be. Did you seek out the unusual, or stick with the classics? Are you protective of your choices, or feel they're open to all? Take our surveys and let us know.