'Game of Thrones' 'Blank Space' parody turns George R.R. Martin into ... Taylor Swift?

Power is the name of the game in "Game of Thrones'" Westeros, and the man who wields the greatest power in that universe is author and screenwriter George R.R. Martin.


Power is the name of the game in "Game of Thrones'" Westeros, and the man who wields the greatest power in that universe is author and screenwriter George R.R. Martin.

But what would it be like if Martin's penchant for killing off beloved characters meshed with the narrative of Taylor Swift's "Blank Space"? In that tune (and more emphatically in the video), Swift plays the role of a woman scorned who takes tear-stained revenge.

Nerdist wanted to know — and so was born "Blank Page," a hilarious new parody clip that reworks the lyrics from Swift's anthem for out-of-control women with scenes in which Martin (played by Nick Mundy) sings about killing off characters ("sorry, Sean Bean") and lolls around trying to make moves on Daenerys (Emily Rudd).

The clip also features a brief appearance by Jon Snow (Brandon Hillock), which means the Nerdist folks know their stuff: Those are two of the series' characters fans most fear could get bumped off by Martin's gleeful pen.

Check out the video, and don't miss the original by Swift!

Follow Randee Dawn on Google+ and Twitter.

This article was originally published Mar. 6, 2015 at 12:33 p.m. ET.