11 things you can throw out of your bathroom right now

As you press forward on your resolution to be more organized, we're here to help.


It’s a new year, so let go of the old clutter!

As you press forward on your resolution to be more organized, we’re here to help. Here are 11 things from your bathroom that you can throw out or donate today. Yes, today! Review the list below and see what you’re willing to toss.

RELATED: 14 things you can throw out of your kitchen right now

  1. Expired sunblock. Check the date and move on.
  2. Expired prescriptions. Stick with the same approach.
  3. Dried-up nail polish bottles. They’re just gathering dust!
  4. Expired makeup. If you can't read the date, follow this guide.
  5. Stretched-out hair ties. In the trash they go!
  6. Old emery boards. If they aren’t doing the task, say goodbye.
  7. Toiletries you don’t use. Have an honest conversation with yourself.
  8. Expired lotions. Goodbye!
  9. Products you’ll try “one day.” If it hasn’t happened yet, it’s time to give them up.
  10. Old shampoo. If you’re not using it, let it go.
  11. Moldy loofahs. Gross!