Indiana woman has adorable reaction to Christmas surprise: She's a new grandma!

"We hid our secret for almost 10 days before we could fly home," the grandmother's daughter-in-law said.


Eva Goeb of Indiana wasn't expecting her son or daughter-in-law to visit this holiday season, let alone surprise her with a priceless gift that yielded an equally priceless reaction.

In a video uploaded to YouTube on Sunday, Goeb turns a corner to greet the couple — and their newborn baby, Melissa Faith — and instantly realizes she's a grandmother for the first time.

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The heartwarming video that appears to show that joyful moment of clarity has gone viral, collecting more than three million views as of Thursday morning.

"When did you get here?" Goeb says in the video while walking from another room, before discovering baby Melissa, nicknamed Lily. That's when Goeb jumps for joy, covers her mouth, wells up and hugs the new parents. "Oh my gosh!" she shouts repeatedly, before crying tears of joy and declaring, "I had been dreaming that it was a girl!" She continues to be overwhelmed in the best way while cradling her new granddaughter.

Off-camera, her son, Donny, jokes that there's other big news: "And I grew my hair out!"

RELATED: Surprise! Woman learns she's a grandmother, cries 'tears of sheer joy' in video

Goeb's daughter-in-law, Miranda, claimed the buildup to the surprise lasted more than two months. "We hid our secret for almost 10 days before we could fly home," she said, according to NBC News' Indiana affiliate, WTHR.

In September, Miranda retired from the Air Force, for which Donny continues to serve, so that they could pursue adoption, the news outlet reported. They adopted Melissa from one of Donny's acquaintances and met the birth mother Nov. 25, and Lily was born Dec. 8, according to WTHR.

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"We chose not to tell our families due to so many unknowns," Miranda said, according to the station. "We wanted to protect our hearts and theirs. We were taking a huge leap of faith. Once the baby Lily was officially placed with us, to become our daughter, we decided that it was not the type of news to be shared over the phone."

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