Making a resolution to save money in 2016? Here's how to meet your goals

Here are three tips to help determine and stick to your New Year's resolutions.


You're probably already making, or have already made plans for New Year's Eve. So it's certainly not too soon to decide on your New Year's resolutions! Quite possibly, you're looking to reduce debt, or meet some other financial goal you've been putting off. Making a resolution can help you get passionate about your goal, but too often the passion dies down once we have to start living up to our promises. Many folks — some 32 percent, according to YouGov — end up abandoning their resolutions before the end of January.

lots of New Year's Resolutions on yellow pieces of paper; Shutterstock ID 90553060; PO: TODay.COMShutterstock

Here are tips to make those resolutions stick throughout the new year and, hopefully, beyond:

  • First, make resolutions that matter to you, not that other people (ahem, your spouse) are bugging you about.
  • Secondly, make your goals achievable. If you’re not saving any money right now, it’s unrealistic to believe you’ll save 10 percent of your take-home pay off the bat. Instead, increase the amount you’re saving by 2 percent — and have the money transferred out of your paycheck into a 401(k), or out of your checking account into savings account automatically.
  • Finally, don’t try to take on multiple resolutions simultaneously. Willpower, scientists have learned, is a limited resource. Focus on one just one resolution, and make it count.

Come back tomorrow to see the next holiday savings tips unlocked!