A guide to holiday tipping: What to give your hairdresser, doorman, and others

Tis the season of giving — and that means generous tipping.


The season to give is also the season to tip — a complicated subject if there ever was one! So, what are the guidelines? Who do you have to tip and how much should you be giving?

Smiling client sitting in a hair salon while hairdresser is combing her hair. Focus on client; Shutterstock ID 301639736; PO: TODAY.comIakov Filimonov / Iakov Filimonov

Let's go over the rules:

  • Tip the cost of one full visit to hairdressers, manicurists, personal trainers, and other people who provide personal services. So, if a haircut costs $50, and you normally give $10, give $50 this December.
  • Give one week’s pay to housekeepers, babysitters, dog walkers, and other people with whom you have that day-to-day relationship. If you feel it’s appropriate, include a small gift, too.
  • If you live in an apartment, give the doorman, superintendent, and any other building staff $20 to $100 apiece. It's okay to be the most generous toward the people you count on the most!
  • Some people, such as postal workers can't accept tips in cash. Gift cards or actual gifts are fine, but there may be a cap on value; for postal workers it's $20, and for FedEx employees, its $75. While there may be no tipping policy for teachers, handing over cash may just feel wrong. Gift cards, though, are much appreciated. Just check with your school system to see if there's a suggested max.
  • If you can’t tip as much as you’d like, give what you can and present it with a personalized Thank You card for the service that’s been provided over the year.

Come back tomorrow to see the next holiday savings tips unlocked!