Small Business Saturday: How to maximize savings

Here's how to help support small businesses — and save money!


Local merchants all over are celebrating Small Business Saturday. Launched in 2009 by American Express, the shopping holiday was officially recognized by Congress this year.

Here's how to help support small businesses — and save money!

buy local - isolated text in vintage letterpress wood typeMarek Uliasz / FeaturePics
  • Ask for a discount: It may seem aggressive, but shops will be expecting such inquiries. You’ll be surprised how often you hear, "Sure, I can take 10 percent off." Some small merchants are willing to price match, too.
  • Ask for a discount for paying cash or buying more: If your first pass doesn’t work, offer to pay cash. This way the merchant won't have to pay credit-card transaction fees, which can be cumbrous on a small business. Consider teaming up with a friend at the register and ask for a discount since you're buying so much.
  • Get it wrapped: Many local merchants take pride in sending you out their doors with beautifully wrapped packages. Take advantage of this gesture! It will save you money and time.
  • Relish your other savings: When you shop small, you often don’t have to pay for parking or gas. And since you’re near home, you can eat leftovers for lunch rather than hitting the food court. That’ll save dollars — and calories.

Come back tomorrow to see the next holiday savings tip unlocked!