'Golden Girls' fans rejoice! These granny panties will be the gift of your dreams

Have a "Golden Girls" fan on your holiday shopping list? Perhaps these granny panties are the perfect gift for them.


Call me crazy, but I believe socks are actually the ideal Christmas gift. After all, who wants to spend their own time and money on ankle accessories? Not me — I’ll take the 12-pack of crew socks from Target, please.

But then I see stylish people donning chunky knits and cheery argyles (or just get cold feet while bumming around the house) and wish I’d thought to prioritize my own sock game.

Friends and family, take note.

Bulletsandbees, Etsy

RELATED: 'Golden Girls' flashback: See Betty White and other cast members on TODAY in 1991

Underwear, on the other hand, is usually best left to the wearer’s devices. It’s just … we all have our own preferences, you know? Unless you’re totally sure of your giftee’s size and style — and know they’ll be cool with you knowing what’s under their clothes — it just makes for kind of an awkward post-unwrapping moment.

The exception: these novelty “Golden Girls” granny panties, available for purchase on Etsy.

RELATED: Thank you for being a fan: 'Golden Girls' artist debuts 30th anniversary sketch

Never mind the issue of where (or whether) one actually wears one’s novelty granny panties. A gift like this says so much more.

It says, “I want to grow old with you.”

It says, “Thank you for being a friend.”

It says, “Take these crotchless Blanche Devereaux drawers, you eternal, insatiable vixen, and do them proud! Never change!”

Confession: I might just choose them over socks.

Bulletsandbees, Etsy
Bulletsandbees, Etsy
Bulletsandbees, Etsy