Women are less hygienic at work than men, according to new study

You you think you know who the chronically messy colleagues you work with are, but you may not be aware of all of them.


We spend a lot of time at work, which means we're also using communal bathrooms a lot. And keeping those areas clean is a constant struggle.

So who should you look at as the worst offenders at your job? A new study conducted by Australian business service company Initial Hygiene may make you flush your assumptions down the drain.

Based on a survey of 5,500 people, men are more likely than women to clean the toilet seat after using it, as well as lowering it.

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In addition, men are just as likely to wash their hands at work as women after using the toilet.

This is a stark contrast from expectations; 45 percent of women believed their male colleagues would be the unhygienic ones, while 89 percent of men thought women would have the higher standards.


Turns out both genders wash their hands with soap at work 96 percent of the time. (Or so they claim.) And 77 percent of men are cleaning their toilet seat before sitting, compared to 59 percent of women. And afterward, 52 percent of men mop up compared to 42 percent of women.

Psychologist Emma Kenny told The Daily Mail that men apparently have a "real understanding of the importance of bathroom cleanliness."

She added, "Men are instinctively protective and territorial and these natural predilections could well be why they take care when using their own and others toilets."

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