Taylor Swift fans stuck with fake tickets are rescued by Jeff Rossen

Fake tickets for many popular performers such as Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande and Billy Joel are sold online. Rossen Reports investigates.


On a scale of one to 10, seeing Taylor Swift in concert was off the charts in importance for 15-year-old cousins Chloe and Hailee. "About a 12," Hailee said. "Twelve, 20," Chloe agreed.

The girls studied hard to earn the privilege, making the honor roll, and Hailee's mom saved up all year to buy tickets. Tickets for The 1989 World Tour by Swift sold out, so Hailee's mom shelled out nearly $1,000 to a broker online. But when the girls showed up for the concert, tickets in hand, they were left stuck at the gate with broken hearts: The tickets were fake.

Counterfeit tickets for many popular performers are sold online. Rossen Reports set up meets with sellers to buy Billy Joel and Ariana Grande tickets. The tickets were confirmed as fakes by Ticketmaster. And when TODAY national investigative correspondent Jeff Rossen confronted the seller of the Ariana Grande tickets, the seller ran from the cameras.

But Tuesday on TODAY, Rossen had a big surprise for Chole and Hailee.

Rossen Reports video: Fake diplomas for sale online look like the real thing.

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