Meet Hilde Lysiak, Pennsylvania's 8-year-old newspaper reporter

Hilde Lysiak is only 8 years old, but she's proving that you're never too young to find your passion in life.


Hilde Lysiak is only 8 years old, but she's proving that you're never too young to find your passion in life.

About a year ago, Hilde decided to start her own monthly newspaper in her small town of Selinesgrove, Pennsylvania, providing community news to subscribers for $2 per year.

Hilde told TODAY's Sheinelle Jones that she was inspired to pursue her passion by her father, Matthew, who worked as a reporter for the New York Daily News before the Lysiak family moved to Pennsylvania.

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"I went with my dad a lot when I was little and I still do now," Hilde said. "To cover like crime with him and stuff. And I kinda decided that this was what I wanted to do, so I started making a family paper that I made with my hand."

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For her paper, the Orange Street News, Hilde covers the town of about 5,000 people, doing all the writing and taking all the pictures. Matthew helps his daughter by printing the final product.

"She loves it," Matthew said. "I don't really want to get in the way of her passion."

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Hilde said she gets her ideas from the town bureau office, the police station and talking to the community, a strategy that has yielded stories such as a recent exclusive about a dog who scared off an intruder.

"Sometimes they treat me serious, like, sometimes they don't," Hilde said about her experience reporting. "Usually what works for me, is that if I treat myself seriously and other people will treat me seriously too."