Prince William attends anti-bullying workshop by charity named after his mother

Prince William took part in a special workshop Monday to help train students to recognize bullying and encourage victims to speak out.


Prince William took part in a special workshop Monday to help train students to recognize bullying and encourage victims to speak out and seek help.

During the event at a London school, William participated in an exercise that involved posting sticky notes on a young participant.Matt Dunham / AP

The program was part of a back-to-school campaign run by The Diana Award, a charity named after the prince's late mother.

William, the Duke of Cambridge, joined several dozen students at a London school to highlight the problem of bullying, particularly intimidation over social media and bullying faced by gay and transgender students.

William also helped promote the 'high five' system, which has young people list five people they can turn to for help.WPA Pool / Getty Images

The prince participated in several group exercises, including one involving posting sticky notes on a participant.

He also shared the importance of support networks, promoting a "high-five" system to help young people remember five people they can turn to for help and advice.

During that session, William listed his wife, Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, his younger brother, Prince Harry, and their father, Prince Charles, as part of his key support network.

Both the prince and his wife have been patronizing various charities that champion the welfare of children.

Last week, Duchess Kate emerged from maternity leave to visit a mental health center that helps treat children.