Adorable little boy tries his hardest to break a board in taekwondo

This video of a little trying to break a board in his taekwondo class is priceless. His reaction as he struggles to do it is just too cute.


You're never too young to put up a good fight, as demonstrated by one little boy who mustered up all his might to break a board during a taekwondo class.

We'll admit we're not sure it's as easy as it looks, but this kid was ready to do whatever it took. While it could've taken blood, sweet and tears, he was all laughs.

The first time he eagerly jumps on top of the box and stamps his feet as he shouts "hai YAH" over and over again, getting quite the giggles out of his fellow classmates. Then the teacher instructs him that the task must be completed with one leg. So what does he do? Naturally he just tries to kick over the board with his foot. Unfortunately, there's no easy way out on this one!

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The teacher then demonstrates on the floor what must be done. Not surprisingly, the boy just copies the teacher and slams his foot down on the floor. Per usual the class is amused. It seems he's quite the class clown!

Next, he tries breaking the board by smashing his hands on top. Wrong body part, buddy! Eventually, he realizes it's supposed to be just one foot slammed on top. After a few tries, he finally does it and earns his white belt. All in a hard day's work!

The little boys reaction is absolutely priceless. He's so proud of himself, clapping for himself along with the rest of his classmates and doing, of course, a little victory dance. He sure knows how to ham it up!

It's no wonder this adorable video has received over a million views in just two days. Looks like there's a new karate kid in town!