What is love? How people 0-105 answer age-old question

We can't promise you'll finish watching this with dry eyes, but this video of people ages 0 to 105 answering "What is love?" is adorable.


So, what is love?

That’s the seemingly simple yet very hard question SoulPancake, a creative marketing agency, asked people from ages "0 to 100" in a new video that's melting hearts and leaving us a little teary-eyed. (Though the video set out to capture respondents of those ages, the makers also wrangled a 105-year-old to be featured.)

As you can imagine, the question elicited a seemingly endless range of answers.

Some were left speechless, some didn’t know quite how to answer and others seemed to have figured it all out even for their young age.

Here are just a few of the cutest answers from all ages:

“Someone that loves you, loves you because you’re you,” says an 11-year-old girl.

“Love means, to me, a big old kiss on your mouth and you’re not against it at all,” says a 17-year-old boy.

RELATED: Watch kids give adorable advice about love

“You can love yourself first because once you learn how to love yourself, you can love anything in this world,” says a 58-year-old-woman.

“I’m married 55 years," says an 80-year-old man. "Our job in life, the two of us, is to look after each other and see to it that we are our best selves, so to speak. So I try to help her be her best self and she tries to help me and to me that’s love, you know. I hope to do that as long as I can stay awake."