Mischievous man uses roof to welcome airplanes to Cleveland — from Milwaukee

The rooftop misdirection is simply a playful prank on the part of the 62-year-old man — and it's not exactly a new one.


Welcome to ... a state of confusion!

When planes fly over the home of Milwaukee resident Mark Gubin, just miles from the Mitchell International Airport, passengers are treated to a friendly greeting that might just make them think their trip didn't go as planned.

That's because, despite the Wisconsin location, the six-foot-tall letters on Gubin's roof announce their arrival in Cleveland, Ohio.

An artist wrote \"Welcome to Cleveland\" on his roof for the planes flying above his home event hough he lives in Milwaukee.Google Maps

It's simply a playful prank on the part of the 62-year-old man — and it's not a new one.

Despite a fresh wave of interest in the gag since a Google Maps image of Gubin's home went viral, he actually first painted the letters atop his house back in 1978.

"There's not a real purpose for having this here except madness, which I tend to be pretty good at," Gubin recently told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Well, there is one other purpose.

"My original intent was, it's a hard cruel world, and I wanted to make someone smile a little bit," he explained in an interview with WDJT.

While some weary travelers might not smile over the prank, one person who did was former Common Council president Ben E. Johnson, who once wrote a letter to Gubin stating, "I was in Cleveland not too long ago and I agree with Mr. Gubin that anybody who wants Cleveland is welcome to it."

According to the Journal Sentinel, Johnson also assured the artist-turned-prankster that the city would take no action over the rooftop misdirection.

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