Stain remover? 7 surprising household uses for beer

Beer has powers beyond its amazing ability to make everyone seem funnier and more attractive. Here are seven surprising things beer can do.


Beer has powers beyond its amazing ability to make everyone seem funnier and more attractive. Here are seven surprising things beer can do.

Beer in bottle pouring into glass.Shutterstock

Remove coffee/tea stains from rugs

Dribbled your morning latte onto the floor? Beer can actually remove coffee and tea stains from rugs, says Erinn Valencich, an Los Angeles-based interior designer. “Pour a bit of beer on the stain. Rub the beer lightly into the rug and the stain should come out.” If the stain is being stubborn, repeat the process a few times until it’s gone.

Clean wood furniture

From interior designers to old barmen who use it religiously, beer (especially stale beer) is surprisingly great for polishing wood. “Wipe on the beer with a soft cloth, then wipe off with another dry cloth,” suggests Valencich.

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Loosen rusted hardware

Over time, oxidization can cause fasteners to be fixed permanently — or so it would seem when it’s you, exhausted, wrench in hand. Don’t work quite so hard. Instead, splash a bit of beer on the bolt and wait a few minutes. The carbonation will break down the rust to you can turn the screw.

Treat your tresses

Using beer to coax shine out of dull hair is a classic beauty trick. The alcohol acts as a clarifying agent, the proteins and vitamins imbue strands with nutrients and the acidic nature tightens and flattens the cuticle for extra shine. (Don’t forget to rinse with cool water).

Make good bread great

Whenever entertaining expert and blogger Julie Blanner needs an elegant, no-fuss snack to serve guests, she whips up beer bread made extra moist and delicious by the addition of a 12oz of brewski. She prefers to use IPAs, wheats and Belgian-type beers, but her recipe will work with your favorite brew too. “Think of beer as an extract. It’s what gives the bread its flavor.”

Marinade away toxins

The ultimate summer bummer — grilling meat over charcoal may result in harmful hydrocarbons. Fortunately, beer is here to rescue your backyard BBQ. According to the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, a beer marinade reduces the formation of potentially harmful substances. So eat, drink and be merry.

Keep bugs at bay

Is your patio a pest fest? According to Cantone, the owner of a popular New York City bar puts a small amount of beer in a bucket in the far corners of his backyard to attract small flies and mosquitoes. However, he insists beer must be stale and it must be an amber or darker because bugs seem to prefer the stronger stuff.