How to watch the Fourth of July lunar eclipse this weekend

The night sky will offer a special treat this holiday weekend.

A total lunar eclipse from January 2019. The July 4 eclipse will be a penumbral, or partial, eclipse. Jasper Jacobs / AFP via Getty Images

Fireworks may not be the most exciting show in the sky this Fourth of July weekend. A full moon and partial lunar eclipse will take place on the night of July 4.

Known as a Buck Moon eclipse, named in honor of July's full moon, it will be visible for most of North and South America, not to mention parts of Europe and Asia, reports CNET.

In North America, it will begin at 11:04 p.m. EST and end at 1:56 a.m. EST on July 5, The Old Farmer's Almanac says. It won't be visible in the northernmost regions of Canada or Alaska.

You can check here to see when the moon will be visible near you.

While a total eclipse can obscure the moon, this weekend will offer a penumbral eclipse, in which the moon will cross a small section of the earth’s shadow, known as the penumbra. As a result, the moon appears slightly darker than it usually does.

There’s a full moon every month during the year and they each have names. The full moon in July is called the Buck Moon because a buck’s antlers are fully growing during this period. It’s also known as a Thunder Moon because of there are so many thunderstorms in July.

The next full moon, known as the Sturgeon Moon, will occur Aug. 3.