Politician's warning about touching people's tennis balls goes viral in the best way

"You can kick their balls, but you can't touch them."


A New York politician had an awkward time making sure residents using the local tennis courts know how to properly handle their equipment.

Nassau County Executive Laura Curran had people channeling their inner fourth grader when she outlined the proper COVID-19 precautions to take on the local courts.

She said at a news briefing on Sunday that people have to bring their own tennis balls so that they don't come in contact with other players' equipment.

Then things veered into "Beavis and Butthead" territory.

"You can kick their balls, but you can't touch them,'' she said.

The police officers behind her did their best to contain their laughter with their masks on.

Curran immediately knew she wanted that line back.

"I'm gonna blush, sorry," she said.

It didn't end there. Curran dropped one more line that was like a Roger Federer baseline winner for appreciators of middle school humor.

"To avoid confusion between whose balls are whose, you can use a marker, like a Sharpie, to mark out an X or put someone's initials on them,'' she said.

We now eagerly await the Nassau County guidelines for basketball courts and baseball fields.