Don't mess with the ABCs, please! Internet rages over alphabet song remix

The song you’ve been singing since childhood has undergone a makeover that’s made some people angry.


Reboots, revivals and remixes may be all the rage these days, but some things are sacred and just don’t require a do-over.

That’s the overwhelming message circulating on social media after an alternative version of the ultimate toddler tune went viral.

Behold this revamped take of the beloved alphabet song, from A-B-C to X-Y-Z — but be sure to pay close attention to L-M-N-O-P part.

In the classic ABC song, set to the music of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” the string of letters situated between K and Q are sung faster than the others, so that they’ll fit in a single measure. It adds a bit of flair to the otherwise simple structure of the piece, making the group of letters almost sound like a single entry: “elemenopee."

But in a track created for Dream English, an educational music website for kids, those letters don’t run together at all, making downright … different!

Though this version of the song was released in 2012, it gained new life — and fresh outrage — when comedian and television writer Noah Garfinkel shared it on Twitter last week.

“They changed the ABC song to clarify the LMNOP part, and it is life ruining,” he wrote.

That sentiment earned Garfinkel more than 100,000 likes and whole lot of agreement in the form of GIFs, memes and pure alphabet snark.

While Dream English’s ABC makeover united the internet by making people mad, that was never the intention.

In fact, the man behind the music, who simply goes Matt R., explained the changes he made in the description that accompanies the clip on YouTube.

“About the slow l,m,n,o,p: I teach young learners of English as a foreign language, and have found this way the most effective for teaching the letters,” he wrote.

So maybe there’s room for more than one take on the alphabet song after all.