Cape Cod fishermen have frightening brush with giant great white shark

In a scene straight out of “Jaws,” two men were fishing in Cape Cod Bay when a massive great white brushed past their boat, and then came to take a closer look.


Two commercial fishermen in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, got more than they bargained for Tuesday morning when they came face to face with a great white shark.

Fishermen Matty Riley and Ken Roth were in Cape Cod Bay when they saw the massive shark brushing past their boat, circling around to the carcass of a humpback whale.

Riley, who caught the moment on camera, called the encounter “the most epic thing I’ve ever witnessed on the water.”

Several beaches in Cape Cod were closed earlier this month due to reports of shark sightings. At least 180 sharks have been spotted in the area this summer, and officials are testing the use of drones and seal contraception to keep the waters safe for beachgoers.